Chunky or English Hob and Button, Sowerby

Last updated 5/25/2022

This was Sowerby's pattern #2266. The exterior is covered with diamond points with a band of hexagonal buttons around the top. The interior is plain. Writing in their book, A Century of Carnival Glass, Glen and Stephen Thistlewood say the Chunky pattern, "was produced in marigold during the mid 1920s and then again in the 1950s when it was made in a range of bowls and plates that are sometimes fitted with a variety of unusual metal stands." The epergne with the chrome-plated metal fittings sold for $450 in 1995; a compote with a stem like the figure in this one sold for $250 in 2001 and another sold in 2007 for $175.

In 2020, a marigold 6-inch sauce sold for $20.

In 2016, a marigold six-inch round sauce sold for $10.

In 2021, a marigold epergne brought $170.

In 2022, a marigold rosebowl sold for $25.

Be aware that Indiana Glass produced what they call a hostess plate (shown below) that closely resembles this pattern. It is frequently misidentified as Sowerby's English Hob and Button.