Garden Mums, Fenton
This is the pattern from which Fenton made many of its advertising premiums. Some pieces have enameled lettering--presumably a process that was affordable for shorter manufacturing runs.
Bowls (about 5 inch diameter)

Amethyst, 175 (2015), 30 (2021)

Handgrip plates

Amethyst, 190 (2021), 80, 200 (both 2022)
Amethyst, etched lettering, 160 (2021)

Plates, flat, 6 inches

Amethyst, 300 (2021), 80, 130, (both 2022)

Amethyst, faint gold script, 150 (2008)

Amethyst, gold script, 450 (2000)

Updated 12/4/2022

Advertising pieces made from Garden Mums
Brazier's Candies
Central Shoe Store
Dorsey and Funkenstein
Exchange Bank
Geo. W. Getts
Gevurtz Bros Furniture
Ogden Furniture
Sterling Furniture
Utah Liquor Co.