Kangaroo, Crown Crystal
There are two different kinds of Kangaroo bowls. One shows the Kangaroo buck, the other shows the Kangaroo doe. On the doe bowls the pouch can be seen. The buck bowls are worth twice as much as the doe bowls, although auctioneers seldom distinguish between the two.

Hartung Book Six: Kangaroo Bowl
Hartung Book Seven: Kangaroo, Large

Bowls, 9-10 inches

Marigold, 65, 160 (both 2019), 60 (2020), 500 (2020)

Marigold, Doe, 160 (2021)

Purple, 250 (2019), 500 (2020), 275 (2022)

Purple, Buck, 750 (2021)

Sauces, 5-6 inches

Marigold, 120 (2016), 80 (2019), 40 (2021)

Purple, 125 (2019), 30, 75, 125 (all 2021), 100 (2022)

Berry set, 6 piece, ruffled

Dark, 525 (2022)

Nappy, ruffled

Marigold, 45 (2020)

Dark, 60 (2020)

Updated 11/15/2022