Beaded Shell, Dugan
An extremely charming pattern with unique shell patterned feet on pieces other than the tumblers and mugs. The pattern dates from before the carnival glass era. Mosser is reproducing the pattern in amethyst and green water sets and butter dishes.

Hartung Book Three: Beaded Shell

Water sets, 7 pieces

Amethyst/purple, 300 (2015), 400 (2020),
   325 (2021)

Marigold, 160 (2015), 110 (2020), 100 (2021)

Marigold, 6 pieces, 125 (2016), 200 (2022)

Red?, listed as Shell & Sand, 110 (2019)

Water pitchers

Marigold, 130 (2010), 150 (2014), 45 (2018)

Marigold, with 1 tumbler, 70 (2020)

Marigold, with 2 tumblers, 65, 175 (both 2020)

Purple, 125 (2009), 125 (2016), 125 (2017)


Blue, 20 (2016), 15, 45 (both 2019), 30 (2020)

Lavender, 20 (2017), 15 (2019)

Marigold, 20 (2016), 20 (2019)

Purple or amethyst, 15, 25 (both 2019),
   20 (2021), 10 (2022)
The Beaded Shell mugs are the most frequently seen shape in this pattern. White is a particularly desirable color. Above right are a spooner from the table set and a small berry or sauce bowl. The spooner is typical of the way the shell design is applied to the other pieces of the table set except that the covers of the butter dish and sugar bowl have the shell pointing down. Mugs were used as the basis for contemporary souvenirs.

Amethyst/purple, 10, 15, 20, 35, 40 (all 2020),
   5, 10 (both 2022)

Blue, 15, 45, 80, 145, 160 (all 2020),
   5, 10 (both 2022)

Horehound, 125 (1997)

Lavender, 30 (2005)

Marigold, 15, 25 (both 2019), 35 (2020),
   35 (2022)

Marigold, souvenir lettering, 95 (2009),
   125 (2018), 10 (2020)

Violet, pastel irid., 75 (1998)

White, 275 (2015), 325 (2018),
   210, 350 (both 2020)

White, souvenir lettering, 125 (2019),
   375 (2022)

Berry sets, 7 pieces

Amethyst/purple, 145 (2007)

Marigold, 125 (2001), 150 (2012)

Large berry bowl

Amethyst, 60 (2022)

Marigold, 25 (1999)

Small berry or sauce

Marigold, 20 (1999)

Purple, 25 (2010)

Updated 11/17/2022

Table sets, 4 piece

Amethyst/purple, 325 (2020)

Marigold, 150 (2020), 190 (2021), 190 (2022)

Butter dish

Marigold, 200 (2016), 20, 50 (both 2017),
   20 (2021)

Butter, creamer, 2 spooners

Marigold, 350 (2004)


Marigold, 25 (2013), 10, 35 (both 2015)

Creamer and spooner

Marigold, 40 (1999), 20 (2007), 13 (2017)


Amethyst, 155 (2002)

Marigold, 35 (2001), 20 (2011), 10 (2016)

Sugar, covered

Marigold, 115 (2007)