Bells and Beads (Bellflower), Dugan

Hartung Book Three: Bells and Beads

This pattern, found only in six to seven-inch ruffled, tricorner and crimped bowls is sometimes referred to as Bellflower--perhaps a better name as the design has small bell-shaped flowers. Carl O. Burns, in his book on Dugan & Diamond, reports cards trays, compotes, and nappies as well as marigold and oxblood and a very rare green.


Amethyst/purple, 35, 45, 50, 325 (all 2021),
   110 (2022)

Amethyst/purple, Souvenir Litiz, Pa, 15 (2019)

Amethyst/purple, Souvenir Iron Mountain Mich,
   270 (2012)

Amethyst/purple, tricorner, 15, 90 (both 2017),
   25 (2018), 190, 200 (both 2020)

Peach opal, 15, 20, 25 (all 2016),
   15, 25, 50 (all 2019), 20, 65 (both 2020)

Peach opal, tricorner, 25, 35 (both 2015),
   10, 20 (both 2022)

White, tricorner, 85 (2020)

White opal, 275 (2012)

Updated 11/17/2022

This piece of Bells and Beads is white with an opalescent edge and is in the scarce tricorner crimped shape. It sold at auction in 2012 for $275. Photo courtesy of Mickey Reichel Auctions.