Big Fish, Millersburg  

Big Fish is very similar to Millersburg's Trout and Fly, but without the fly. That's the obvious difference, but a close study of the patterns shows that while the fish are similar, there are differences in the shape and detail. The foliage, while similar and appearing in about the same density, is different in detail. This means that each pattern was made from a different mold. The amethyst Big Fish on the left is the shape as it came out of the mold. It would have been shaped like this before being reheated and then made into other shapes such as the oval and crimped like bowl on the right. Both pieces were photographed while in private collections. To see several rare examples of this pattern, click here.

Hartung Book One: Big Fish, Millersburg

Bowls, 7 1/2--9 inches, ruffled, crimped, ice cream or 3/1

Amethyst/purple, 200, 370, 550, 850 (all 2021),
   80, 250, 300, 325, 350, 600 (all 2022)

Amethyst, deep round, blue irid., 9,500 (2011)

Amethyst, banana boat shape, 22,000 (2022)

Green, 325, 800 (both 2020),
   600, 625, 675, 900, 950, 1,000, (all 2022)

Green, oval, blue iridescense, 12.000 (2021)

Green, emerald, 29,009 (2019)

Green, deep round flared, 16,000 (2014)

Green, deep crimped, large base chip,
   9,750 (2012)

Green, proof, 14,500 (2019)

Marigold, 260, 275, 325, 390 (all 2021),
   270, 285, 425, 475, 525, 3,750 (all 2022)

Vaseline, crimped and ruffled, 6,000 (1996),
   27,000 (2014)

Vaseline, blank shape, 22,000 (2022)

This is the Big Fish vaseline bowl that sold for $27,000 in 2014. Photo courtesy of Seeck Auctions.

Updated 11/17/2022

Bowl, square or diamond shape

Amethyst/purple, 675 (2016), 550 (2018),
   575 (2021)

Amethyst/purple, lobes turned down, crack on collar base, (2019)

Green, 1,800 (2006), 700 (2019), 725 (2021),
   700 (2022)

Marigold, 450, 1,050 (both 2015), 550 (2017),
   525 (2021)

Bowl, tricorner

Green (exceptional iridescence), 13,000 (2003)

Vaseline, 15,000 (2008), 15,000 (2010)


Marigold, one known, 8,500 (2003),
   13,000 (2010), 28,000 (2017), 27,000 (2020)

This is the Big Fish rosebowl that sold for $27,000 in 2020. Photo courtesy of Wroda Auctions.