Buzz Saw Cruets, Cambridge

Some writers contend that this pattern, Buzz Saw, is actually Double Star, but Alan and Lorraine Pickup think they are different, though similar, patterns. Bear in mind that the stopper is the crucial element here and can be worth as much as the cruet.

Hartung Book Five: Buzz Saw Cruet

Cruet, large (or unspecified), about 5 1/4 inches tall

Green, 150 (2017), 125, 300 (both 2019), 50, 85, 125 (both 2020)

Green, no stopper, 85 (1998), 45 (2005), 50 (2015)

Marigold, 165 (2018), 125, 225 (both 2019), 225 (2020)

Marigold, no stopper, 50, 55 (both 2012), 60 (2016)

Cruet small, about 4 inches tall

Green, 60, 110, 150 (all 2019), 75, 155, 170, 225, 240 (all 2020),
   80, 90, 115, 130 (all 2021)

Green, no stopper, 30 (2015), 25, 50 (both 2019), 50 (2022)

Green, damaged stopper, 65 (2019)

Marigold, with stopper, 600 (2017)

Stopper for cruet, small

Marigold, 110 (2012), 100 (2016)

Updated 11/22/2022