Caroline, Dugan

The interior smooth rayed effect (40 rays) on Caroline pieces is quite distinctive. The exterior has six open flowers, each with a leaf; six eight-point stars, each set within an ellipse, and a four-sided, shield-like figure into which each star-and-ellipse motif has been placed. On the underside of the platform base are a 10-point star, 10 tiny teardrops each set within a ray of the star, and a small "bullet" placed dead center. Bowls are found in a wide variety of shapes: crimped, ruffled, three-in-one, two sides up, one side up (hand grip), tricorner, and square. The shape seems to make little difference in the value.

Hartung Book Three: Caroline

Baskets, applied handle

Amethyst opal, only one? 50 (2017)

Peach opal, 35, 45 (both 2016), 35 (2019),
   40 (2021)

Peach opal, lavender tint, 350 (1997), 575 (2001)

Amethyst, only one known, 550 (2012)

Blue opal, three-in-one edge, 950 (2018), rare

Blue opal, high three-in-one edge, 475 (2014)

Peach opal, round, 15 (2016)

Peach opal, handgrip, 15-25

Peach opal, ruffled, 130 (2000), 40 (2004)

Peach opal, crimped, 15-25

Peach opal, crimped square, 25-40

Peach opal, crimped tricorner, 20 (2016), 15 (2017),
   10 (2018)

Purple, rare

Bowl in metal bride's basket

Peach opal, 85 (1997)

Bowl, enamel decor

Peach opal, 3/1 edge, 80 (2001)

The exterior detail of the Caroline pattern.

This unusual Caroline bowl in blue opal was owned by Terry Jondahl until he sold it in 2010 on eBay for $338. A similar bowl in blue opal sold in 2014 for $475.

Updated 11/22/2022