Coin Spot, Dugan
Sometimes named Thumbprint because of the stippled indentions on the exterior. These compotes have an exterior pattern with columns of stippled thumbprints. Mostly seen in peach opal and marigold; rarer colors such as celeste blue and cobalt blue are the most desirable. Note that auctioneers sometimes identify these as Coin Dot although they are not that Fenton pattern. The two examples above, in ice green and cobalt blue with stretch iridescence, are courtesy of Carl and Eunice Booker.

Hartung Book Two: Coin Spot


Amber, smokey, 130 (2017)

Amethyst/purple, 10, 30, 40, 50 (all 2020), 40, 55 (both 2021), 20, 100 (both 2022)

Amethyst/purple, electric, 300 (1997)

Aqua, light, 40 (2022)

Aqua opal, one known

Blue, 40, 55, 85 (all 2017), 30, 50, 525 (all 2018), 25, 110 (both 2020)

Blue, cobalt, 475, 1,100 (both 2019), 550, 1,100 (both 2022), rare

Blue, stretch effect, 650 (1994), 500 (2001)

Celeste blue, 375, 475, 625 (all 2019), 650 (2020), 575, 950 (both 2022)

Ice blue, nicks, 40 (2021)

Ice green, 350 (2016), 500 (2020), 550 (2022)

Lime green, 30, 35, 55 (all 2015), 20 (2017), 30 (2020)

Marigold, 5 (2013), 15 (2018), 5, 15 (both 2019)

Peach opal, 10 (2019), 20 (2021), 10 (2022)

Pink, 115 (2011), 15 (2017)

Vaseline (does not glow), 40 (2004)

White, rare

Wisteria, 3,100 (2019), rare

This rare ice green goblet whimsey sold at the
2018 Heart of America convention for $1,400.

Samantha Prince sent me the above photo of a Coin Spot compote.
In addition to hand inscribed lettering of Indiana Fair, it is in a previously unreported color of white or pearl. A most unusal piece.

Updated 11.23/2022