Feather Stitch, Fenton
This pattern looks much like Fenton's Coin Dot, but with the addition of "stitches" between the dots. A rather scarce pattern. One marigold rosebowl is reported.

Hartung Book Four: Feather Stitch

Bowls, about 8 1/2 inches, mostly ruffled

Amethyst, ice cream shape, 135 (2005),
   125 (2018)

Amethyst, ruffled, 300 (2001), 85 (2020)

Aqua, 75 (2000), 75 (2014)

Blue, 55, 75, 80 (all 2020), 40 (2022)

Blue, cobalt, 20, 110 (both 2022)

Blue, smokey powder, ruffled, 85 (2021)

Blue, ice cream shape, 375 (2020),
   70, 100 (both 2021)

Green, 90 (2020), 50 (2022)

Marigold, 15, 20 (both 2021),
   30, 100 (both 2022)

Red reported

Vaseline, marigold over, 3/1 edge, 475 (2016)

White known

Plates, about 9 1/4 inches

Blue, 170 (2019), 60 (2021)

Marigold, 650 (2019), 150, or low ICS (2020),
   800 (2022)

The blue card tray at the left is owned by Pamela Waluk and is 9 1/2 inches across. She sent me the photo in September, 2009. I've never seen a similarly shaped piece, nor do I have records of any. A marvelous whimsey.

Updated 12/1/2022

The photo of the bowl at the left was sent to me, along with several others, by Kim Damzel of Canada. There are a couple of things unusual about it. First of all, It's vaseline (two of Kim's photos clearly showed the glow). I have no records of a vaseline example of this pattern having sold going back to 1994 (other than the item sold in 2016). The other unusual aspect is the three-in-one edge. Most unusual for this pattern. Of the almost 60 sales I have in my database for this pattern, only two have this edge.