Field Thistle, US Glass

Although made in crystal in a wide range of shapes, iridized pieces of Field Thistle are quite scarce. The design is characterized by a largish flower with stems and thistles swirling up from the base to either side of the flower.

Hartung Book Four: Field Thistle

Water sets

Marigold, 7 pieces, 375 (2002), 200 (2007)

Marigold, 5 pieces, 160 (2013)

Water pitchers

Marigold, 40 (2021), 40 (2022)

Water pitcher, midsize

Marigold, 170 (2006), 130 (2007)


Marigold, 15 (2019), 10 (2020), 40 (2021)

Milk pitcher

Marigold, 195 (2002)

Compotes are fairly large and massive--about 7 inches tall. On the right is a 9-inch plate in marigold. It has great iridescence and brought $425 at a 1996 auction--quite a bit more than at recent sales.

Marigold, 70 (2014), 50 (2022)

Table set, 4 piece

Marigold, 130 (2007), 140 (2012)

Creamer and spooner

Marigold, 80 (2006)


Celeste blue, 750 (2013)

Marigold, 20 (1996), 70 (2001)


Marigold, 45 (2001), 10 (2010)

Plates, 9-9 1/2 inch

Marigold, 45, 95 (both 2012), 45 (2014),
   45, 130 (both 2017), 100, 140, 150 (all 2020),
   120 (2021), 100 (2022)

Plates, 6 inch

Marigold, 50 (2019), 20 (2020))

Chop plates, about 10 Inches

Marigold, 70 (2012), 95 (2014)

Sauce or small bowl

Celeste blue, 1,700, 2,800 (both 2012), 375 (2016)

Ice blue, 1,050 (2022)

Marigold, 10 (2016)

Bowl, 8-9 inches

Marigold, 5 (2012), 10, 13 (both 2016)

In November of 2013, Greg Dilian sent me this photo of his Field Thistle vase in celeste blue. It is 12 inches tall and has a 3 3/4 inch base. Amazing. I've never heard of a Field Thistle vase in anything but marigold.

Updated 12/1/2022

The rare vase whimsies are found in two base sizes; 2 3/4 inches (and pulled up from the spooner), and 3 3/4 inches.

Vase whimsies

Marigold, small base, 225 (1995), 285 (2001)

Marigold, 7 1/4 inches tall, 75 (2015)

Marigold, 7 5/8 inches tall, 110 (2022)

Marigold, large base, 375 (1999),
   40, 190 (both 2016)

Marigold, 11 1/2 inches, 100 (2022)

Marigold, 12 1/2--13 inches, 50 (2021),
   60 (2022)

Marigold, 8-9 inches, 95 (2017), 145 (2021)

This small bowl is in celeste blue and brought $475 in 1998.

This photo of a small bowl in white was sent to me by Gregory Ferguson in 2013. The color is previously unknown in the pattern.