Fruits and Flowers, Northwood     More

Fruits and Flowers is similar to Northwood's Three Fruits that is seen only in plates and bowls. Both have the same three fruits arranged in the same way, but Fruits and Flowers lacks any pattern in the center (excepting the rare variant). You can confirm the pattern by looking for the small flowers that curl in toward the center from the fruit spray. Above left is a typical plate, at right is the variant with three leaves pointing toward the center with stippling behind them. This green variant sold at a 1998 auction for $175. Also known in marigold. There are no chop plates, but new examples of a similar design exist.

Hartung Book One: Fruit and Flowers

Plates, 7--7 1/2 inch

Amethyst/purple, 60, 90 (both 2021),
   40, 60 (both 2022)

Blue, 205 (2019)

Custard/nutmeg, 20, 25 (both 2021)

Green, 25, 70 (both 2017), 15 (2019)

Green, emerald, 675 (2014), 1,100 (2019)

Green, red iridescence, 925 (2013)

Marigold, 55 (2020), 80 (2021)

Marigold, stippled, 45, 60 (2012),
   30, 110 (both 2021)

Plates, handgrip, 7--8 inches

Amethyst/purple, 55 (2016), 30 (2018)

Green, 105 (2006), 30 (2020)

Plates, double handgrip (2 sides up)

Amethyst/purple, 40, 50, 60 (all 2013),
   20, 30 (both 2019)

Green, 15, 30 (both 2017), 40 (2021)

Marigold, 65 (2014), 30 (2016)

Plate, variant (center leaves)

Custard/nutmeg, stippled, 120 (2013)

Marigold, stippled, 20 (2010), 200 (2016)

Berry sets, 5-7 pieces

Amethyst/purple, 170 (2013),
   70, 100 (both 2014)

Marigold, 60 (2015), 55 (2019)

Sauces, 5-6 inches

Amethyst/purple, 10 (2021),
   25, 30 (both 2022)

Blue, 40 (2006), 45 (2008)

Green, 10 (2010), 15 (2013)

Marigold, 10 (2012)

Sapphire blue, 250 (2007)

Bowls, 9-10 inches, ruffled (have 4 cherries in pattern)

Amethyst/purple, 30, 50 (both 2019), 55 (2021)

Amethyst/purple, pie crust edge, 195 (2002),
   160 (2006)

Green, 30 (2021), 50 (2022)

Green, emerald, 140 (2020)

Ice Blue, one known, see bottom of this page

Ice green, 110, 120, 175 (all 2020), 130 (2022)

Marigold, 20, 35 (both 2021), 70 (2022)

White, 110 (2020)

Bowls, 7--7 1/2 inch

Amethyst/purple, 25 (2015), 25, 35 (both 2019)

Amethyst/purple, with store sticker, 280 (2021)

Amethyst opal, 180, 225 (both 2021)

Aqua, 320 (1996), 400 (2000)

Aqua opal (4 known), 850, 1,500 (both 2010)

Blue, 45 (2021), 25 (2022)

Blue, electric, 230 (2006), 200 (2021)

Custard, stippled, 10 (2021)

Green, 15 (2019), 15, 90 (both 2020)

Green, stippled, 25, 45 (both 2017), 45 (2021)

Ice blue, 275 (2021), 170 (2022)

Ice green, 145 (2021), 110 (2022)

Marigold, 20 stippled (2021), 25 (2022)

Sapphire blue, 325 (2005), 130 (2020)

Bowls, variant, 7-inch

Aqua opal, stippled, 100 (2021)

Green, stippled, 55, 85 (both 2015), 45 (2016)

Marigold, 35 (2021)

Marigold, stippled, 25 (2014),
   30, 40 (both 2015)

The footed bonbon is the most frequently seen item in Fruits and Flowers. Because it is stemmed, it is occasionally identified as a two-handled compote. Some of the amethyst bonbons are found with a plain exterior rather than basketweave and are more desirable. Aqua opal is a fairly common color in these bonbons. The bonbons were reproduced by Fenton in amethyst.
Bonbons, unstippled (or not specified)

Amethyst/purple, 15, 25, 35, 40, 45 (all 2021).
   35, 45 (both 2022)

Amethyst/purple, plain exterior, rare,
   95 (2019)

Aqua, 350 (2001), 150 (2021)

Aqua opal, 75, 100, 140, 150, 190, 200 (all 2021),
   100, 140, 160 (all 2022)

Blue, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 (all 2021),
   20, 30, 35, 85 (all 2022)

Blue, electric, 155 (2021), 40, 75 (both 2022)

Green, 20, 35, 75 (all 2021), 20, 60 (both 2022)

Green, electric, 500 (2008)

Green, odd color of green, 300 (2018)

Green, emerald, 80 (2020), 40 (2021)

Horehound, 425 (2009), 190 (2019)

Ice blue, 130, 150 (both 2021), 120, 150 (both 2022)

Ice blue opal, 875 (1996)

Ice green, 120, 150 (both 2021), 40, 50, 80 (all 2022)

Lavender, 45, 100, 225 (all 2021), 325 (2022)

Lime green, 210 (2011), 120 (2018)

Lime ice green, 110 (2019)

Marigold, 20, 25, 75 (all 2021), 15, 20 (both 2022)

Marigold, yellow iridized fruit, 135 (2014)

Olive, 180 (2015), 75 (2020)

Sapphire blue, 500 (2017), 250 (2019)

White, 35, 40 (both 2021), 60, 75 (both 2022)
Bonbons, stippled (scarce)

Amethyst/purple, 55 (2015)

Blue, 30 (2020), 35, 100, 120 (all 2021)

Green, 120 (2019), 75 (2020)

Marigold, 40 (2021), 25, 30 (both 2022)

Renninger blue, 110 (2021), 75 (2022)

Teal, small base chip, 225 (2003)

When this round purple bonbon sold in 2022, the auctioneer, Jim Seeck, said it was the first he had seen in this shape, It sold for $800.

In October of 2018, Francine and Michel Jacob of Canada sent me this photo of an ice blue 10-inch Fruits and Flowers bowl wondering if I had ever heard of another. I checked my database of auction sales going back 25 years and could find none listed. No one I've spoken with has seen one either.

Francine and Michel are members of the Quebec Carnival Glass Association. I asked how they came upon it and was told that Michel's half-brother, Jacques Temblay, had found it a couple of years before at an antiques show in the Quebec Province east of Montreal at St-Charles-sur-Richelieu. The seller didn't know where it came from.

Update: In 2019, a bowl of this description, I assume this one, sold for $1,600.

Updated 12/4/2022