Most collectors consider the Imperial Jewels pieces to be stretch glass as there is no pattern. Imperial did not even refer to the line as Jewels, but included it in their Art Glass line. Even so, these pieces are quite popular with Carnival Glass collectors and often are found in Carnival Glass auctions. These often have Imperial's Iron Cross mark. Here are some typical prices:
Square bowl (above right), marigold, 9", 100 (2007)
Square sauce, 5 1/4 inch, white, 35 (2013)
Square sauce, 6 inch, purple, 20 (2013)
Vase, 3 3/4 inch, purple, 90 (2013)
Vase, bulbous, 5 3/4 inch, marigold, 50 (2013)
Vases (above), purple, 6 1/2 inch, 60, 5 inch, 45 (both 2010)
Vase, 10 inch, smoke on milk glaas, 160 (2016)
Vase, 7 inch ruffled, purple, 45 (2009), 110 (2012)
Vase, 5 inch, cupped in, Iron Cross, amethyst, 75 (2015)
Vase, 5 3/4 inch, Iron Cross mark, ruffled, purple, 200 (2012)
Vase, 4 1/2 inch, pinched in, Iron Cross mark, amethyst, 125 (2019)
Vase, 4 inch, Iron Cross mark, purple, 140 (2013)
Vase, 4 inch, ruffled, marigold, 200 (2016)
Vase, 4 3/4 inch, Iron Cross, amethyst, 35 (2017)
Vase, 5 inch ruffled, marigold, Imperial Cross Mark, 200 (2020)
Vase, 5 inch hyacinth, small opening, dark, 85 (2020)
Vase, 5 1/2 inch, marigold, 55 (2010), 25 (2019)
Vase, 5 1/2 inch, marigold, pair, 120 (2020)
Vase, 5 1/2 inch, marigold, pinched in, 75 (2019)
Vase, 5 1/2 inch, marigold on milk glass, 400 (2015), 70 (2022)
Vase, 5 1/2 inch, necked in, Iron Cross, purple, 90 (2016), 275 (2017), 120 (2020)
Vase, 5 1/2 inch, marigold, 55 (2010), 25 (2019)
Vase, 5 1/4 inch, purple cupped over, Iron Cross, 200 (2019)
Vase, 5 1/2 inch, purple, 4 sides, 4 leaf clover, 220 (2022)
Vase, 6 inch, amethyst, Iron Cross, 140 (2020)
Vase, 6 inch, amethyst, pinched in, Iron Cross, 100 (2017)
Vase, 6 inch, bulbous, amethyst, ruffled, 75 (2018)
Vase, 6-7 inch, marigold, 40 (2010), 100 (2012), 75 (2017)
Vase, 6-7 inch, cupped in, Iron Cross mark, purple, 㻋 (2015), 275 (2019)
Vase, 7 1/2", Iron Cross mark, marigold, 250 (2020)
Vase, 8", Iron Cross mark, purple, 100 (2020)
Vase, 8 3/4", 3 1/2" base, red, 350 (2006)
Vase, 8 1/2", decorated, purple, 225 (2018)
Centerpiece bowl, turned in, red, 200 (2008)
Bowl, square, 8 inch, marigold, 15 (2012), 125 (2013), 120 (2020)
Bowl, 10 inch round, purple, 45 (2007), 75 (2018)
Bowl, 10 inch round, marigold, Iron Cross, 35, 75 (both 2017)
Bowl, 8 inch, cupped in, purple, 50 (2019)
Bowl, 7-8 inch round, Iron Cross, purple, 70 (2016), 70 (2017)
Bowl, 7-8 inch square, Iron Cross, purple, 175 (2016), 50 (2017), 30 (2018)
Bowl, 7-inch, cupped in, red, 45 (2019)
Bowl, 6 1/2-inch, Iron Cross, marigold, 300 (2017)
Bowl, 6 1/2-inch, 4 sides pinched in, Iron Cross, marigold, 180 (2017)
Sauce, 6 1/2-inch, square, purple, 70 (2017), 90 (2020)
Sauce, 4 sides, 7 inch, Iron Cross, marigold, 130 (2018)
Sauce, 4 3/4 inch, flared, purple, 70 (2012)
Sauce, 5 inch, round, purple, 275 (2018)
Sauce, 5 inch, ruffled, Iron Cross, purple, 95 (2018)
Sauce, 5 1/2 inch, Iron Cross, amethyst, 130 (2019)
Sauce, 5 3/8 inch, square, Iron Cross, Pearly Ruby, 70 (2019)
Sauce, 6 inch, ICS, rim flattened, purple, 180 (2016)
Breakfast set, Iron Cross mark, purple, 300 (2012), 200 (2015)
Sugar bowl (as upper left), red, 55 (2008), 55 (2014)
Rosebowl, 4 inch, red, 175 (2008)
Rosebowl, 5 inch, purple, 170 (2014), 60 (2022)
Rosebowl, 6 inch, amethyst, Iron Cross mark, 215 (2017)
Rosebowl, 8 inch, marigold, 25 (2010), 150 (2018)
Rosebowl, 9 inch, marigold, 40 (2013)
Rosebowl, purple, 275, 300 (both 2013), 275 (2020)
Plate, 9 inch, Iron Cross mark, purple, 250 (2013), 155 (2016), 170 (2017)
Plate, 9 1/4 inch, Iron Cross mark, purple, 35 (2018)
Plate, 8 inch, Iron Cross mark, amethyst, 50 (2017)
Plate, 8 inch, Iron Cross mark, marigold, 105 (2013), 135 (2016)
Plate, 9 3/4-inch, Iron Cross mark, marigold, 250 (2017)
Hartung Book Nine: Imperial Jewels JIP Vase
This 5 3/8 inch vase in marigold on milk glass sold for $600 in 2021. It has the Iron Cross mark.
This purple creamer sold in 2013 for $225. It has the Iron Cross mark.
This purple rosebowl sold in 2013 for $300. It has the Iron Cross mark. A similar rosebowl sold in 2014 for $170.
This 6-inch marigold vase with a ruffled top sold in 2013 for $120. It has the Iron Cross mark.
This 5 1/2-inch pearl amethyst vase with a ruffled top sold in 2021 for $525.
This 7-inch marigold vase with the Iron Cross mark sold in 2018 for $200.
This 5 1/2 inch tall pearl amethyst square ruffled vase with the Iron Cross mark sold in 2021 for $475.
This 6 inch tall vase is in purple and sold in 2021 for $110. A similar example in marigold sold for $75 in 2022.
Updated 5/27/2022