Isaac Benesch & Sons, Millersburg

Millersburg made two shapes for Isaac Benesch & Sons; ruffled bowls like that above, and two-handled bonbons with their Holly pattern on the front and the words Isaac Benesch 54th Anniversary on the back. Both of these are found in some quantities--more than 120 of the amethyst bowls have sold since 1994. The bowl above is a curiosity, however, as the spelling of the word Benesch has the "s" left out. Perhaps it was a test piece and then corrected prior to the final run.

Hartung Book Four: Isaac Benesch

Bowl, ruffled

Amethyst, 120, 125, 130, 140, 150, 155, 160, 165 (all 2021),
   90, 110, 120, 125, 130, 160, 180 (all 2022)

Bowl, ruffled, no "S" in name

Purple, 1,200 (2017), 3,500 (2021)

Bonbons, 54th Anniversary

Marigold, 35, 45, 50, 55, 60, 80 (all 2021), 70 (2022)

Updated 12/98/2022

From The Encyclopedia of Carnival Glass Lettered Pieces,
by John Resnik, 1989.

"The Great House of Isaac Benesch and Sons was the largest home furnishings department store of its time. The company was established in 1858 and eventually grew to encompas 13 retail outlets and 16 warehouses located in four different cities in Maryland and Pennsylvania.

Benesch originated many marketing ideas that today are considered commonplace. Among them were:
* First home delivery by gas powered trucks (1912)
* First to set up complete room displays (1921)
* First to take trade-ins (1926)

Isaac Benesch died in 1907 and passed the family business along to the sons of the title; Aaron, Jesse, Samuel, and William."

Update: The Great House closed in the 1960s and was run as Kaufman's Department Store until 1997. --David Doty