Jockey Club, Northwood | |
Other than the name, this piece has nothing to do with horses--Jockey Club was a perfume. The glass was made from the same 6-inch mold Northwood used for most of its advertising pieces and has a basketweave on the reverse. The pattern is quite hard to find. Hartung Book Four: Jockey Club
Bowl, ruffled Plates, handgrip Plates, flared Plates, flat Updated 7/24oraange/2022
From The Encyclopedia of Carnival Glass Lettered Pieces, "In most instances my research either arrives at a finite solution or comes up totally empty. Jockey Club is an extreme exception to that standard. A computer search for the subject name came up with in excess of fifty possibilities! Added to this were three other possibiilities arrived at by separate means. It so happens that Jockey Club is the official name for the sactioning body of Thoroughbred Racing in this country and that alone accounted for over half of the "possibles." Businesses associated with racing account for another 20%. The process of elimination was long and tedious, but finally lead to the conclusion that this item had nothing to do with racing or horses.
The logo on this item consists of a horseshoe crossed at right angle by a long whip. This ultimately proved to be the key: Whips of the type depicted are not used in horse racing. This led me to harness racing, but the obvious was pointed out; there are no jockies in harness racing.
Proceeding on the logo idea, coupled with the known time of origin, led me to the following concusion: Jockey Club was a perfume. The identical logo appears on some print advertising from the 1850s. I was able to track the company into the early 1900s but then the trail disappears. It is known that this product was sold in California, but the point of origin has not been established. I am 99% certain of this rationale, but cannot unequivocally state it as being so until I locate the point of origin."