Kittens, Fenton
Although there is no shortage of Kittens pieces (they account for about 0.7 percent of all carnival), they continue to be highly popular and very desirable. Above left are most of the shapes seen in the pattern. Shown are a cup and saucer, a cereal bowl (always round and deep) in blue, a banana dish (or card tray), a flat plate, a toothpick holder, and a six-ruffled bowl in blue. At the right is a rare whimsied spittoon in marigold. Blue is also known. Amethyst is a rare color in Kittens, blue quite scarce. Most items have four sets of kittens, a few have two sets.

Carnival Glass Miniatures

Hartung Book One: Kittens

Bowls/plates, 4 ruffles (or square)

Amethyst, 215 (2006), 190 (2013)

Amethyst, light, 275 (2017)

Aqua, 155 (2009), 170 (2012)

Blue, 110 (2020), 90 (2021)

Blue, 2 sets of cats, 140 (2021), 300 (2022)

Blue, powder, 245 (2009), 195 (2014)

Marigold, 30, 40, 55, 70 (all 2021), 35, 50, 55, 60, 120 (all 2022)

Marigold, 2 sets of cats, 90 (2015), 80, 150 (both 2020)

Vaseline, 175 (1996)

Bowls, 6 ruffles

Aqua, 500 (1999), 160 (2017)

Blue, 150 (2021), 400 (2022)

Blue, powder, 60 (2013)

Green, 175 (2021)

Lavender, 300 (2005), 20 (2015)

Marigold, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 (all 2021), 120 (2022)

Cereal bowls (4 inch, deep round)

Amethyst, 325 (2008)

Aqua, 200, 250 (both 2013), 459 (2022)

Blue, 230 (2018), 375 (2020)

Blue, powder, 150 (2012), 160 (2016)

Lavender, 325 (2004), 175 (2009)

Marigold, 50, 90 (both 2021), 55, 100 (both 2022)

Marigold, 2 sets of kittens, 130 (2017), 110 (2018)

Banana dishes (2 sides up)

Amethyst, 105 (2013), 125 (2022)

Aqua/marigold, 400 (2021)

Aqua, silvery, 95 (2006)

Blue, 200, 225 (both 2020), 130 (2021)

Blue, powder, 175 (2007), 100, 175, 200 (all 2013)

Blue, interior not iridized, 130 (2018)

Lavender, 170 (2010), 145 (2014)

Marigold, 30, 40, 50 (all 2021), 50, 65, 80, 225 (all 2022)

Marigold, 2 sets of kittens, 150 (2017), 100 (2022)

Vaseline, 135 (2004)

Cups and Saucer sets

Amethyst opal, 500 (1998)

Blue, 425 (2019), 290 (2022)

Crystal, rare, 345 (2022)

Marigold, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95 (all 2021), 65, 70, 150 (all 2022)

Vaseline known

Cups only

Blue, 200 (2020), 210 (2022)

Marigold, 25 (2021), 65, 70 (both 2022)

Plates or saucers, 4-5 inches

Amethyst, 175 (2007), 275 (2016)

Aqua, 4 sides up, 310 (2018),
   180 (2020)

Blue, 575 (2008)

Blue, 2 sets of kittens, 600 (2020),
   170 (2022)

Blue, powder, 220 (2011), 400 (2020)

Clambroth, 60 (2008)

Crystal (not iridized), 300 (2017)

Marigold, 45, 50 (both 2021),
   45, 60, 80, 90, 200 (all 2022)

Marigold, two sides up. 75 (2022)

Marigold, four sides up. 30 (2022)

Marigold, 2 sets of kittties, 110 (2019)

Vaseline, 435 (2005)

Toothpick holders or vases

Blue, 110, 120, 150, 300 (all 2021),
   190, 200, 400 (all 2022)

Blue, powder, 95 (2004), 195 (2009)

Marigold, 30, 35, 45, 55, 70 (all 2020),
   40, 50, 55, 90, 200 (all 2021)

Marigold, ruffled, 30, 200 (both 2021),
   30, 50, 60, 70 (all 2022)

Marigold, 2 sets of kitties, 50 (2019),
   35 (2021)

Marigold, from Rhinehart collection,
   135, 285 (both 2017)

Marigold, round, 250 (2011)

White, iridized on rim only, 550 (2016)

The above 5-ruffled blue toothpick holder is owned by Suzanne Sheffield. I have no records of any such selling in recent years.

Spittoon whimsies

Blue, 5,000 (2011)

Marigold, 2,500, 4,250 (both 2020),
   2,500, 3,600 (both 2022)

Marigold, from Rinehart collection,
   6,000 (2016)

Above is a one-of-a-kind marigold pin dish whimsey made from a cup. It sold for $1,250 in 2020.

Updated 12/11/2022