Marilyn, Millersburg

Found only in water set pieces, the pattern was named for Marilyn Gaida, an early carnival glass collector. Most easily remembered by the dominant hobstars and vertical rows of diamond shapes in between.

Hartung Book Six: Marilyn

Water sets, 7 piece

Amethyst/purple, 575, 850 (both 2017), 800 (2020)

Amethyst, 3 tumblers chipped, 400 (2019)

Marigold, 425 (2007), 525, 600 (both 2012)

Marigold, 5 piece, 350 (2018), 275 (2021)

Marigold, 6 piece, 550 (2020)

Water pitchers

Amethyst/purple, 305 (2018), 950 (2021)

Amethyst, with 1 tumbler, 350 (2020)

Green, 525 (2021), 425 (2022)

Green, with one tumbler, 625, 750 (both 2017), 475 (2022)

Marigold, 475 (2021), 225, 245 (both 2022)

Marigold, with 1 tumbler, 525 (2014)


Amethyst/purple, 20, 100 (both 2021), 50 (2022)

Green, 35, 155 (both 2020), 250 (2021)

Marigold, 50 (2022), 65 (2022)

Updated 12/13/2022