Ogden Furniture, Fenton | |
Another of the several advertising pieces based on Fenton's 6-inch Garden Mums pattern. The lettering reads "Ogden Furniture, Carpet, Ogden, Utah." Bowls, ruffled Plates, handgrip Plates, flat From The Encyclopedia of Carnival Glass Lettered Pieces, "The documentation on this company reads like the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. By following their address changes, one can plot the financial well-being of this institution.
The Odgen Furniture and Carpet Company came into existence early in 1902. Their initial location was at 2432-2436 Washington Avenue, Ogden, Utah. By1910 they had expanded to encompass 2422-2434 Washington Avenue. Business must have taken a downswing, for in 1920 their adddress became 2422- 2428 Washington Avenue. Things must not have improved and by 1930 they had moved to 385 24th Street. By 1931, they were no more.
Print advertising by the company indicates they sold a complete line of home furnishings including furniture, carpet, window decoration, stoves, and appliances. They also did mail order."
Updated 12/13/2022