Open Edge, 2 Row, Fenton

These little baskets and bowls are a very popular pattern. Base sizes are 2 1/2 inches and 1 7/8 inches with the smaller more common. Auctioneers rarely provide the base size and, if anything, give just the top spread. A rarer version of this pattern has three rows around the edge. Fenton also made a similar pattern with a berry pattern on the interior (Blackberry Open Edge). Open Edge has been reissued by Fenton and should have the Fenton mark on the bottom. Two-row baskets were used as the basis for advertising pieces for the John H. Brand and Miller Furniture companies. The jack-in-the-pulpit shape shown above is unusual, though not rare. The bowl is celeste blue, a Fenton color.

Tales from The Mad Hatter Part 7, Open Edge

Those Other Open Edge Pieces

Hartung Book Eight: Open Edge, two-row

Basket or hat, ruffled

Amberina, 50 (2021), 35 (2022)

Amberina, reverse, 625 (2003)

Amethyst/purple, 40 (2021), 30 (2022)

Amethyst, black, 25 (2019), 20 (2021)

Aqua/teal, 25, 35. 40, 45, 50, 60 (all 2021),
   15, 40 (both 2022)

Blue, 10, 25 (both 2021), 15, 20, 35 (all 2022)

Blue, powder, 10, 20 (both 2020), 30 (2022)

Blue, smokey, 230 (2018)

Celeste blue, 80 (2020), 40, 50 (both 2022)

Green, 20, 30 (both 2020), 15, 20 (both 2022)

Green, emerald, 350 (2004)

Ice blue, 70, 75 (both 2020), 20, 40 (both, 2022)

Ice green, 35, 40, 50, 65 (all 2019),
   25, 60 (both 2022)

Lavender, 20 (2020), 30 (2022)

Lime green, 20 (2020), 10 (2022)

Marigold, 10 (2020), 15 (2021)

Mauve, 65 (2018)

Pink, 20, 75 (both 2018), 40 (2019)

Red, 30, 40, 50, 70, 80 (all 2021),
   50, 55, 60 (all 2022)

Sapphire blue, 20 (2019), 25, 30 (both 2020)

Smoke, 40, 85 (both 2018)

Teal, 35 (2021)

Vaseline, 20 (2021), 20, 30 (both 2022)

White, 25, 35, 40 (all 2021), 10, 40 (both 2022)

Basket or hat, two sides up

Amber, 190 (2003)

Amber opal, 80 (2022)

Amberina, 650 (2018), 40 (2021)

Amberina, reverse, 110 (2017),
   100, 130, 400 (all 2019)

Amberina, opal, 350 (2018)

Amberina, reverse, opal, 145, 550 (both 2018),
   330 (2022)

Amethyst, 15 (2021)

Amethyst, black, 25, 35 (both 2018), 30 (2020)

Aqua, 55 (2017), 35 (2018)

Blue, 10, 25 (both 2021), 15 (2022)

Blue, powder, 30 (2018), 20 (2019)

Celeste blue, 145 (2018), 70 (2020)

Celeste blue, 9 inch factory applied metal base,
   625 (2003)

Green, 30, 40 (both 2020), 20, 25 (both 2022)

Green, emerald, 75 (2016)

Ice blue, 40 (2019), 50, 120 (both 2022)

Ice green, 40 (2021), 40 (2022)

Ice green, large, 7-8 inch, 220 (2017), 85 (2019)

Lavender, 30 (2020), 20, 40 (both 2022)

Lime green, 10, 20, 25 (all 2019), 15 (2022)

Marigold, 10 (2020), 20 (2021)

Olive green, 110 (2003), 65 (2018)

Pink, 50 (2012), 55 (2018)

Purple, 40 (2016), 30 (2019)

Red, 30, 50, 60, 90, 100 (all 2021),
   40, 50 (both 2022)

Sapphire blue, 45 (2013), 35 (2016)

Smoke, 150 (2002)

Vaseline, 25 (2021), 20, 60 (both 2022)

White, 35 (2020), 40, 55 (both 2022)

Basket or hat, square or four sides up

Aqua, 15, 20 (both 2020), 15, 20 (both 2022)

Blue, 80 (2016)

Blue, powder, 30 (2014)

Celeste blue, 30, 120 (both 2020),
   30, 70 (both 2022)

Green, 70 (2017), 25 (2022)

Green, emerald, 250 (2002)

Ice blue, 50 (2019), 30 (2020)

Ice green, 75 (2021), 40, 60 (both 0222)

Lavender, 55 (2012), 40 (2016)

Marigold, 15-25

Red, 25 (2021), 40, 45 (both 2022)

Sapphire blue, 50 (2012), 30 (2022)

Vaseline, 200 (2009), 60 (2015)

Violet 65 (2018)

Violet slag, 55 (2016)

White, 25 (2020), 40 (2022)

Basket or hat, Jack-in-the-Pulpit shape

Amber, 45 (2020), 35 (2022)

Amberina, 40 (2020), 30 (2022)

Amberina, reverse, 550 (2011), 80 (2017)

Amberina, reverse, opal, 350 (2015)

Amethyst, 75 (2012), 30 (2013)

Aqua, 30, 40 (both 2019), 25, 40, 80 (all 2020)

Blue, 10, 15, 20 (all 2020), 10, 25 (both 2021)

Blue, powder, 45, 50 (both 2018), 20 (2020)

Celeste blue, 275 (1998)

Green, 20, 25, 45 (all 2020), 35 (2021)

Horehound, 275 (2004)

Ice green, 90 (2018)

Lavender, 40 (2016)

Lime green, 15, 25 (both 2020), 10 (2022)

Marigold, 15, 20 (both 2021), 10, 30 (both 2022)

Olive, 45, 85 (both 2016)

Pink, 100 (2009), 45, 65 (both 2016)

Red, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 75 (all 2021),
   45, 50, 55 (all 2022)

Reddish amber, 250 (2018)

Red slag, 235 (2009)

Sapphire blue, 175 (2008), 50, 275 (both 2009)

Teal blue, 300 (1999)

Vaseline, 30 (2020), 25 (2021)

Violet, 15 (2020)

White, 130 (2022)

Yellow, 45 (2022)

Basket/hat/bowl, ice cream shape or round

Blue, 125 (2020)

Celeste blue, 45 (2020), 40, 65 (both 2022)

Cobalt blue, 70 (2020), 55 (2022)

Ice blue, 30 (2020), 45 (2021)

Ice blue, ruffled, 250 (2014)

Ice green, 45 (2020), 60, (2022)

Marigold, 120 (2022)

Vaseline opal, 45 (2022)

White, 35 (2020), 15 (2021),45 (2022)


Marigold, 8-inch, 950 (2003)

Red, 50 (2020)

Vaseline opal, 550 (2000),10 (2020)

Unusual pieces in Open Edge

This gold-decorated ruffled hat in ice blue sold in 1994 for $500.

A marigold basket was stretched into this 7 1/2-inch tall vase. It sold in 2021 for $1,200. A similar 9-inch example sold in 2021 for $975.

I've never seen an Open Edge rosebowl before, but here's one in red that sold in 2014 for $400. A similar example sold in 2022 for $90.

An unusual shape, this flared hat in marigold sold for $100 in 2006. A similar whimsey, also in marigold, sold for $360 in 2011.

Updated 12/14/2022