Paneled Diamonds and Bows, Fenton | |
Updated 12/15/2022 |
Paneled Diamonds and Bows has six panels, alternating smooth panels with the diamonds and bows design on the others. These are rather small vases, ranging in height from 5 1/2 inches to 8 1/2 inches.
The name "Paneled Diamond and Bows" was given by Rose Presznick, though it has been known as "Diamonds and Bows," "Paneled Bows and Diamonds," and "Bows and Paneled Diamonds" as well as Marion Hartung's Three Diamonds. Fenton Vases--Variations on a Theme, Part Four here.
Hartung Book 1: Three Diamonds
Amethyst, 50 (2021), 15 (2022) |