Pansy, Imperial

Pansy has a straightforward design with a group of the flowers in the center and the stems extending out toward the edge in bowls (with Arcs back pattern), plates, nappies and pickle dishes. On the breakfast sets, there are pansies on each side. Note that with plates, most have a slight ruffling as shown in the above smoke example. These are generally considered to be more desireable than those with deeper ruffling--and often reflected in the pricing. Imperial reissued purple bowls in 1981 and nappies at other times.

Hartung Book One: Imperial's Pansy
Hartung Book One: Arcs back pattern

Plates, 9 inches

Amethyst/purple, 45 (2020), 25 (2022)

Amethyst, low ruffled, 130 (2022)

Lavender, low ruffled, 50 (2022), 30 (2022)

Smoke, 195 (2006), 170 (2011)

Smoke, low ruffled, 35 (2018), 40 (2019)

Bowls, ruffled, about 9 inches

Amber, 15, 20 (both 2020), 10, 50 (both 2021)

Aqua, 195 (2007), 35 (2019)

Amethyst, 40 (2021), 20, 35, 50 (all 2022)

Brass, 10 (2018)

Green, 25, 30 (both 2019), 10 (2020)

Helios green, 10 (2016), 5 (2017)

Lavender, 45 (2021), 90 (2022)

Marigold, 10 (2021), 10 (2022)

Purple, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 135, 160 (all 2021),
   40, 55, 65, 120, 190, 210 (all 2022)

Purple, low ruffled, 40, 50, 75, 100 (all 2020),
   30 (2021)

Purple, electric, 330 (2007), 300 (2020)

Smoke, 20 (2021), 30 (2022)

Pickle dishes or relish trays (oval)

Amber, 5, 40 (2020), 10, 20 (both 2021)

Aqua/teal, 65 (2008), 40 (2011)

Blue, 80 (2014), 65 (2022)

Clambroth, 25, 160 (both 2014), 5 (2016)

Green, 10 (2014), 10 (2021)

Lavender, 55 (2011), 80 (2012)

Marigold, 10, 15, 35, 60 (all 2021), 15 (2022)

Purple, 25, 35, 60 (aii 2021), 40, 50, 55, 60 (all 2022)

Purple, electric, 105, 250 (both 2009), 125 (2012)

Smoke, 20 (2017), 25 (2019)

While the Pansy breakfast set, a small creamer and open sugar, are generally most desirable as a pair, they frequently are found individually. The set shown here is amber. The single-handled nappies are most often seen in amber or marigold, though purple is found fairly often. The one shown here is in the rare Imperial blue.
Breakfast sets (creamer & sugar)

Amber, 35 (2016), 10 (2022)

Green/helios, 25-40

Lavender, 110 (2013)

Marigold, 5 (2016), 5 (2021)

Purple, 40 (2020), 40, 50 (both 2022)

Breakfast creamers

Amber, 28 (2001)

Green/helios, 10-15

Lavender, 35 (2002)

Marigold, 5-10

Purple, 10 (2018), 15 (2022)

Breakfast sugars

Amber, 20-30

Green, 25-40

Lavender, 15 (2004), 15 (2005)

Marigold, 5-10

Purple, 40 (2017), 10 (2020)

Smoke, 25 (2002)


Amber, 10 (2015), 10 (2016)

Aqua/teal, 30 (2008), 30 (2015)

Blue, 500 (2021), 550 (2022)

Clambroth, 80 (2015)

Green, 23 (1998), 45 (2007)

Helios green, 10 (2007), 15 (2008)

Marigold, 5-10

Purple/amehyst, 20 (2021), 10 (2022)

Purple, electric, 125 (2011), 185 (2013)

Smoke, 20 (2015), 20, 50 (both 2018)
Dresser trays (flattened from pickle dish)
While these pieces are traditionally known as dresser trays, Imperial did not make dresser sets, so these would not have been intended as dresser trays. Probably just a simple table tray.

Amber, 20, 35 (both 2018), 25 (2022)

Green, 20 (2018), 20 (2020)

Marigold, 15 (2018), 15, 25 (both 2020)

Purple, 35, 80, 450 (all 2021), 60 (2022)

Smoke, 90 (2015), 60 (2016)

Updated 12/15/2022