Paneled Treetrunk, Dugan

This extraordinary vase is in purple and has a base diameter of almost 5 inches. Not much is known about it, but thought to have been made by Dugan. This is the only one I've seen, but Glen and Stephen Thistlewood report in their Network #16 the finding of a purple example by Alan Henderson in England. It is shorter with an 8 3/4-inch flare at the top, leaving it just 6 inches tall. Carl O. Burns reports they are also known in marigold, peach opal, and green. A purple example, 8 inches tall, sold in 2002 for $5,200 and another in purple, swung up to 11 1/2 inches, sold for $2,025 on eBay in 2004. In 2007, a 7 1/2-inch amethyst example, with a silvery exterior, sold for $2,600: in 2010, the same 7 1/2-inch example sold for $3,150.

In 2018, a 7 1/2-inch example in blue with minor damage sold for $2,500.

In 2021, an 8 1/2" purple example with a crack top to bottom sold for $275

Updated 4/26/2021

This purple 12-inch Paneled Treetrunk vase sold for $4,400 at the Karen Engel auction by Jim Wroda in 2017.

In 2020, an 11 3/4-inch example in purple sold at the Christina Katsikas auction for $4,750.