Perfume Atomizers, DeVilbiss

Updated 11/15/2022

Perfume atomizers have been made by a number of companies over the years, DeVilbiss being the most prominent. They're generally shaped like the example in the box at the left, which is a taller piece. This marigold example, along with the box, sold for $160 in 2018.

Sometimes these atomizers are decorated with enameled flowers.

Other sales of perfume atomizers

Celeste blue, 185 (2009)

Cranberry red, 85 (2012)

Marigold, size not known, 60 (2015),
   80 (2016), 40 (2018)

Marigold, size listed as tall, 140 (2015),
   70 (2015)

Marigold, size listed as shorter, 65 (2011)

Marigold, paper label on bottom, 165 (2015)