Pinched Swirl, Dugan | |
The Pinched Swirl pattern has the swirl in the interior of the pieces. They are found in these two shapes, a rosebowl/spittoon and a vase, 6 to 6 1/2 inches tall. The pair here sold for $70 and $140, respectively, in 2003. This vase has an unusual soft art glass iridescence. The 4 1/2-inch vase with unusual opal striping on the right sold in 2005 for $125.
Rosebowls, spittoons, usually tricorner Vases
Updated 812/17/2022
Dugan Pinched Swirl -- A Final Look
The six standard forms are (from
top middle clockwise) Hyacinth Vase, Ovoid Vase, Spittoon Whimsey, Rosebowl, Tricorner Vase, and Long Neck Vase.
Average measurements for the various forms are as follows:
My fascination with this lovely pattern has been going on for several years now and I must say that it's been
quite an odyssey. Most collectors probably have stumbled
on one of the more common shapes and perhaps
even passed it by due to its simplicity of form, maybe
weak opalescence, or poor iridescence, as opposed to
some of the more grandiose Carnival Glass patterns. As
luck would have it, I happened to acquire the gorgeous
spittoon whimsey first, fell in love at first sight, the
romance began and happily, it hasn't stopped yet. You
folks know how that is; some pieces come into your life
that you know you just could never part with.
Through the years I became aware of a few additional
forms and slowly added them to my collection. I felt it
was an exciting pattern as it was early Dugan, comparatively
the link between their exotic Venetian and
Japanese pre-Carnival art glass lines and their up and
coming subsequent years of producing beautiful peach
opal, oxblood, white, amethyst, marigold and other
more rare Dugan shades of iridized Carnival Glass.
When I first started doing research on this pattern I
contacted a few fellow vase collectors that I knew well
and surprise, surprise...they didn't have any. I was
pretty much on my own with this pattern, so I began to
buy each one that came my way, through Seeck Auctions,
public auctions, eBay, and private sales. This way
I could examine each piece in detail, at my leisure and
marvel on a daily basis the sight of them all together,
like a cute little peach opal "family."
Like families, some
are tall, some are small, some are round, some have frit,
but all in all they're a fine sight to see every day.
Additionally, like families, the number of them grew
and when I had satishied myself that I had them all,
there were indeed six distinct shapes.
Since my request in the September 2016 issue of The
Carnival Pump no evidence has been presented to
verify that either marigold or milk glass examples exist.
Again, I never say never in carnival glass, but as of now
I stand by my peach opalescence only decision.
As to frit application, I have only found this treatment used
on three separate Hyacinth shaped vases. This is not to
say that frit was not used on any of the five other forms,
it just hasn't come to my attention yet if it exists. There
are two distinct base sizes, 3 1/4 inches and 2 1/2 inches
with three of the forms produced in each base size.