Not often seen, "raindrops" perfectly describes these 9-inch dome-footed bowls. Mostly in peach opal with the dramatic purple items seldom appearing. The exterior pattern is called Keyhole.
Hartung Book Five: Raindrops
Bowls, ruffled or three-in-one
Peach opal, 15, 20, 25, 35 (all 2019), 15, 25 (both 2020), 10, 25, 30, 40 (all 2021), 20, 25, 35, 65 (all 2022)
Peach opal, nut bowl, deep crimped, 60 (2011), 50 (2021)
Peach opal, two sides up, 60 (2009)
Peach opal, in metal bride's basket, 225 (2001)
Purple, 45, 145, 235 (all 2019), 35, 50, 60, 135 (all 2020), 800 (2021)
Purple, spectacular, 1,050 (2014)
Purple, round, 50 (2022)
Purple, 2 sides up, 175 (1998), 70 (2010), 160, 500 (both 2017)
Nut bowl, sides straight up
Peach opal, 50 (2000)
The spectacular purple ruffled bowl above sold in 2014 for $1,050, the most I've ever heard of a Raindrops bowl selling for. Photo courtesy of Seeck Auctions.
Updated 5/17/2022