Rose Tree, Fenton | |
Rose Tree has a veritable garden of roses against a subtle band of diagonal lines. The back pattern is Orange Tree. Above are ruffled and ice cream shaped bowls, both blue. Marigold is also known in both shapes. Very hard to find. Oddly, 5 or 6 showed up in room displays at one convention several years ago. | |
Bowls, about 10 inches Blue, ice cream shape, 3,600 (2015), 3,100, 9,000 (both 2019), 7,000 (2020), 3,000, 7,759 (both 2022) Blue, ice cream shape, electric, 33,000 (2012), 16,000 (2017) Blue, ruffled, 1,250 (2016), 2,200, 2,600 (both 2017), 2,900 (2020) Marigold, ruffled, 3,000, 3,500 (both 2012), 1,350, 2600 (both 2020), 1,000 (2021) Marigold, ice cream shape, 29,000 (2012), 17,000 (2017), 8,500 (2020), 4,500 (2022) | |
As a testament to their rarity and desirability, the blue ice cream shaped bowl on the left brought $33,000, the marigold on the right brought $29,000, both at the 2012 Heart of America Carnival Glass convention auction. Photos courtesy of Seeck Auctions.
Updated 9/30/2022 |