Rustic, Fenton  More

Rustic vases are characterized by the evenly spaced hobs around the trunk, without background or additional details. At left is a typical marigold standard vase. These have a 3 to 3 1/4-inch base with normal heights from 6 to 11 inches. Some have tight crimped tops. The middle photo shows the midsize and midsize variant, both with 4 to 4 1/4-inch bases. The variant, on the right, is most easily distinguished by the hobs in each of the nine flames. These are sometimes called Hobnail variants and erroneously attributed to Millersburg--and bring somewhat higher prices when so described. The right photo shows the two versions of the Rustic funeral vase. These have a 5 to 5 1/4-inch base and heights between 17 and 23 inches. The example on the right has a secondary collar base called a band or plunger--which is more desirable. To view an unswung funeral vase and a vase with a penny in the base, click here.

Information on knobby vases here.    Hartung Book Two: Rustic

Vases, standard size or unspecified

Amber, 400 (1998), 575 (2011)

Amethyst/purple, 20, 40 (both 2020),
   25, 40, 45 (all 2021),
   25, 40, 80, 85 (all 2022)

Blue, 35, 45, 50, 55 (all 2021),
   20, 30, 70, 120 (both 2022)

Blue base, amethyst top, 11-inch,
   300 (2018)

Blue, 7 inch, 125 (2011), 120 (2012)

Blue, crimped top, 35, 45 (both 2019),
   80 (2020)

Blue, whimsey with spout, 170 (2000)

Blue opal, 3,700 (2011)

Green, 15 (2019), 30 (2020),
   20, 100 (both 2021), 30, 130 (both 2022)

Green, crimped, 150 (1999)

Ice green opal, 425 (2022))

Lavender ice, 210 (2011)

Lime green opal, 1,400 (2009), 500 (2022)

Marigold, 10, 20, 35 (all 2020),
   20, 25, 35, 40 (all 2021),
   10, 35, 45 (all 2022)

Marigold, 25 inches, crimped top, 85 (2022)

Marigold, 6-7 inches, 35 (2011), 25 (2014),
   70 (2016)

Marigold, top swung a lot, 135 (2016)

Peach opal, 375, 475 (both 2019),
   160, 325 (both 2021),
   275, 375, 400 (all 2022)

Pink, 15-inch, crimped top, 300 (2018)

Red, crimped top, 1,550 (2009),
   375 (2011), 475, 525 (both 2018)

Red, crimped top, Karen Engel auction, 1,000 (2017)

Vaseline (lime), 700 (2013)

Vaseline opal, 600 (2017), 775 (2018)

White, 20, 30, 35 (all 2019),
   20, 30, 35 (all 2020), 25 (2021)

White, 5 1/2-7 inches, 20, 30, 40, 90 (all 2019), 30, 45 (both 2021),
   10, 25, 35, 40 (all 2022)

White, crimped top, 100 (2021)

Rustic jardinieres are funeral vases that were not swung.

Three versions of Rustic jardinieres have surfaced thus far.

White cylindrical
There are three examples of these cylindrical 7 1/2-inch high unswung Rustic jardinieres known, all just as they came out of the mould, all in white. The first was discovered sometime before 1968, as Mrs. Hartung wrote about it in her Book Seven, calling it Heavy Hobnail. Bette Chapman discovered the third example at a flea market in 2005.

Couple of flakes, 3,100 (2016)

Karen Engel auction, 2,000 (2017)

Blue, pinched in sides

One known, with a base crack, found by Singleton Bailey at a flea market in 1979.

$1,200 (2009), $2,700 (2016)

Blue, flared

One known, flared to 12 inches, with a base crack, found by Gary Braden at a local auction in Charlotte NC in 2003.

$4,000 (2006), $5,000 (2019)

Vases, midsize or midsize variant

Amethyst/purple, 20, 40, 50, 60, 85, 105, 170 (all 2021),
   45, 130 (both 2022)

Amethyst/purple jardiniere, flared top, sold in 2021 for $825.

Blue, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 95, 110, 250 (all 2020),
   30, 35, 85, 95 (all 2021), 45, 55, 70, 80 (all 2022)

Blue, electric, 550 (1995), 350 (2004)

Green, 35, 40, 110, 115, 140 (all 2020),
   140, 185 (both 2021), 70, 75, 80, 140 (all 2022)

Green, 8 1/2-inch, 250 (2016)

Lime green, 325 (2008), 90 (2021)

Marigold, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 110 (all 2021),
   20, 25, 30, 45, 60, 100, 140 (all 2022)

White, 60 (2019), 50 (2020), 25 (2021)

Vaseline, 250 (2017)

Vases, funeral

Amethyst,/purple no band or not specified, 600 (2018),
   650 (2020), 400, 650, 725, 750, 800 (all 2021),
   850, 900 (both 2022)

Amethyst/purple, with band, 900 (2020),
   850. 1,200, 1,400, 1,800, 1,900 (all 2021),
   1,200, 1,400 (both 2022)

Blue, no band or not specified, 425, 475, 625, 975 (all 2020), 475, 525, 550, 625, 750, 800, 1,200, 1,400 (all 2021), 360, 425,450, 750 (all 2022)

Blue, electric, 3.500 (2021), 2,600 (2022)

Blue, back 4 1/2 inches taller than front, 4,250 (2022)

Blue, with band, 5,000 (2020),
   850, 900, 1,250, 1,800, 7,000 (all 2021), 1,500 (2022)

Blue, with band, back 4 1/2 inches higher, 12,500 (2013)

Blue, royal, not iridized, with band, 1,500 (2018)

Green, no band or not specified, 1,300, 1,500 (both 2019), 550, 800 (both 2020), 625, 700, 1,300 (all 2021),
   750 (2022)

Green, with band, 1,300, 1,500, 5,000 (all 2019),
   1,600 (2021), 2,100 (2022)

Green, emerald, with band, 1,050 (2016), 6,000 (2020)

Green, emerald, with band, Karen Engel auction,
   10,000 (2017)

Lavender, 2,100 (2009)

Marigold, no band or not specified, 160, 275, 340, 350, 375, 400, 500, 550, 950 (all 2021),
   350, 375, 425, 500, 550, 1,250 (all 2022)

Marigold, with band, 6,250 (2013), 3,000 (2017),
   290 (2018)

Red, no band, 1,250 (2018)

Red, not iridized, no band, 750 (2013), 1,850 (2016),
   800 (2022)

Vaseline, no band, Karen Engle auction, 15,000 (2017)

Violet, no band, 800 (2006)

White, no band, 575, 725, 900, 950, 1,000 (all 2021),
   750, 900 (both 2022)

White, with band, 4,700 (2021)

White, no band, back 5 inches higher, 2,000 (2013)

The spittoon on the left (next to a Millersburg Swirled Hobnail spittoon) was made from an amethyst midsize Rustic variant vase. It sold in 2012 for $3,900.

In 2016, a similar Rustic (Hobnail) spittoon with a hairline crack brought $675. It measured 4 1/2 inches tall and was 6 1/2 inches in diameter.

Updated 11/8/2022