Square Diamond, Brockwitz and Riihimaki | |
Updated 4/21/2022 | This scarce vase has the typical ground base and lustrous iridescence of the German maker, Brockwitz. Although, Glen and Steve Thistlewood report in their Carnival Glass from Europe Encyclopedia that Riihimaki also made the pattern, using a different mould. The easiest way to distinguish between them is that the top of the Brockwitz version flares out slightly, as seen in the photograph; the Riihimaki version is absolutely straight up. The Brockwitz version is 8.5 inches high; the Riihimaki version is 7.75 inches high.
Square Diamond (also called Column Flower) is one of three similar "square" vases; Regina Star and Schmalzie are the other two. Vases 8.5-inch, Brockwitz, blue |