Bowls, ruffled or crimped, not stippled, 8-9 inches

Amethyst/purple, 30, 50 (both 2019), 20, 40, 45 (all 2020), 20, 35, 40, 85 (all 2021), 20, 35, 35, 40, 50, 65, 95, 100, 130 (all 2022)

Green, 30, 90, 225 (both 2021), 20, 40, 70 (all 2022)

Green, emerald, 245, 300 (both 2012), 300 (2015)

Green, pastel, marigold over, 1,000 (2017)

Horehound, 750 (1993), 205 (2021)

Ice green, 1,400 (1995)

Lavender, 130 (2007), 65 (2016)

Lime green, 1,050 (2013), 400 (2015), 600 (2018)

Lime ice green, 275 (2007), 525 (2017), 300 (2019)

Marigold, 10, 20, 25, 40, 55 (all 2020), 20, 25 (both 2021)

Marigold, narrow base, non-iridized back, 120 (2018)

Marigold, pastel, 160 (2017), 15 (2022)

Marigold, bright yellow irid., 425 (2007), 275 (2016)

Peach opal, 425 (2019), 800 (2020), 575 (2021), 725 (2022)

Renninger blue, 175 (2022)

Renninger blue, back not iridized, 125 (2017)

Renninger blue, back not iridized, narrow base, 225 (2018)

Smoke, 900 (1996), 500 (2006)
Bowls, ruffled or crimped, stippled

Amber/horehound, 850 (2013)

Amethyst/purple, 30, 60, 75, 85, 150 (all 2021), 70, 95, 110, 125 (all 2022)

Amethyst/purple, electric, 400 (2010)

Aqua opal, 12,000 (2014), 17,000 (2019)

Blue, 60, 95, 200 (all 2019), 35, 120 (both 2020), 325 (2021), 100 (2022)

Blue, electric, 300 (2022)

Blue, electric, spectacular, 1,450 (2011), 550 (2014)

Green, 50 (2018), 110 (2019), 60, 160 (both 2021), 200 (2022)

Horehound, 400 (2010), 350 (2015), 375 (2019)

Ice blue, few known, 14,000 (2012), 12,500, 18,000 (both 2015), 800 (pinheads, 2019)

Ice green, 625 (2019), 625 (2020), 150 (2021), 450 (2022)

Lavender, 325 (1995)

Lime green, 275, 475, 850, 1,500 (all 2020), 375, 750 (both 2021), 175, 325, 375 (all 2022)

Marigold, 40, 50, 60 (all 2020), 30, 50, 60, 85 (all 2021), 45, 70, 75, 250 (all 2022)

Renninger blue, 375, 550, 750 (all 2019), 180, 500 (both 2021), 175, 225, 1,700 (all 2022)

White, 5,000 (2015), 900 (2022)
Bowls, pie crust edge

Amber, 25 (2019)

Amethyst/purple, 35, 45, 60, 90, 95 (all 2020), 35, 40, 45, 50, 115 (all 2021), 25, 30, 60, 70, 120 (all 2022)

Amethyst/purple, light, swirl in base glass, 175 (2012)

Blue, 90 (2017)

Clambroth, 85 (2015)

Green, 30, 35, 50, 75, 90, 170 (all 2020), 30, 40, 75, 80, 95, 110 (all 2021), 50 (2022)

Green, emerald, 325, 450 (both 2011), 470 (2014)

Honey amber, 275 (2019), 125 (2021), 60, 150 (both 2022)

Horehound, base nick, 225 (2016)

Lavender, 175 (2016), 195 (2020), 130, 140 (both 2021), 120 (2022)

Lilac, 180 (1998)

Marigold, 25, 30, 40 (all 2020), 20, 25, 30 (all 2021), 15 (2022)

Marigold, opal on edge, 210 (2017)

Smoke, 220, 1,100 (both 2017), 170 (2019), 250, 500 (both 2021)

White, 1,300 (2000)
Bowls, pie crust edge, stippled

Amethyst/purple, 20, 120 (both 2020), 170, 250 (both 2021), 130 (2022)

Blue, 75 (2019), 130 (2020), 85, 110, 120, 185 (all 2021)

Blue, electric, 550 (2018), 550 (2019), 650 (2020)

Green, 110 (2016), 110, 130 (both 2019), 85, 300 (both 2021), 110 (2022)

Green, emerald, 2,000 (2008)

Horehound, 425 (2019), 475, 625 (both 2021)

Ice green, 350 (2017)

Lavender, 65 (2014)

Lime green, 425 (base crack, 2009), 25 (2021)

Marigold, 40, 90, 100 (all 2020), 30, 100, 250, 450 (all 2021), 30, 50, 65 (all 2022)

Marigold, pastel, 250 (2021)

Marigold, pumpkin, 1,300 (2005), 1,100 (2008)
Bowls, ice cream shape or round

Amethyst/purple, 80 (2020), 20 (2021)
Updated 11/3/2022
| Plates, about 9 inches, not stippled

Amethyst/purple, 30. 35, 45, 55, 70, 195 (all 2021), 30, 40, 45, 50, 65, 85, 90, 100, 110 (all 2022)

Blue, 425 (2001)

Green, 30, 35, 50, 55, 60 (all 2020), 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 80, 95 (all 2021), 20, 30, 45, 55, 90 (all 2022)

Green, "Louise Smith, Dermott Arkansas," 75 (2016)

Green, emerald, 400 (2003)

Green, spectacular, 550, 725 (both 2008), 375, 425 (both 2016)

Horehound, 45 (2015), 140 (2022)

Lavender, 95 (2013), 35, 85, 160 (both 2019), 160 (2020)

Marigold, 30, 50, 90, 180 (all 2020), 30, 40, 45, 115 (all 2021), 40, 70, 80 (all 2022)

Marigold, opal edge, 225 (2022)

Peach opal, 325 (2015), 500 (2018), 275 (2020)
Plates, stippled

Amethyst/purple, 85, 90, 140, 180 (both 2020), 155, 725 (both 2021), 170 (2022)

Blue, 5,000 (1999)

Green, 190, 350 (2019), 150 (2020), 120, 225, 650 (all 2021), 180 (2022)

Ice blue, two known, 3,000 (2017), 3,200 (2018)

Ice green, possibly only one known, 11,500 (2015)

Lime ice green, 15,500 (2000)

Marigold, 100 (2018), 375, 600 (both 2020), 195, 500 (both 2021), 300, 625 (both 2022)
 White, possibly only one known, 17,000 (2015) In 2016, another was found at an estate auction.
Plates, handgrip

Amethyst/purple, 110, 2019, 35, 55 (both 2020), 35, 140 (both 2021)

Marigold, 25 (2019), 35 (2021)

The above stippled ruffled bowl in ice blue is one of the few known--perhaps the only one with a basketweave back. It sold for $14,000 at the 2012 Southern California Carnival Glass club auction. Photo courtesy of Seeck Auctions.

The above stippled ruffled bowl was listed as aqua opal when put on eBay in August 2016. The seller asked $15,000 but there were no takers.

This purple ice cream-shaped bowl is owned by Cliff and Jo Ann Ball, possibly the only one known. For more about it, click here