Strawberry Wreath (Millersburg Strawberry), Millersburg
Strawberry Wreath, which some refer to as Millersburg Strawberry, uses essentially the same design as Millersburg's Blackberry Wreath and Grape Wreath patterns except that this one has no center detail other than a tiny dot on some shapes. No plates are known, but the bowls are often shaped in unusual ways, including tricorner and square.
Bowls, 7 to 10 inches, ruffled, round, ice cream, crimped or 3/1 edge

Amethyst/purple, 50, 55, 75, 90, 195 (all 2020),
   55, 80, 85, 100, 110, 250, 255, 725 (all 2021),
   50, 185 (both 2022)

Amethyst/purple, 10-inch, ice cream, 475 (2016),
   3,000 (2022)

Amethyst/purple, 8-inch, square ruffle, 80, 310 (both 2021)

Amethyst/purple, 10-inch, tricorner crimped, 500 (2020)

Amethyst/purple 7-inch, deep round, 50 (2017)

Green, 40, 60, 75 (all 2017), 65, 95 (both 2021)

Green, 9-10 inch, 110, 145, 170 (both 2020),
   90, 100 (both 2021)

Green, 9-10 inch, ice cream,
   95, 400, 550 (both 2017),
   210 (2018), 170 (2020), 375 (2022)

Green, 9-10 inch, square crimped, 250 (2020)

Marigold, 7-8 inch, 70 (2019),
   35, 140 (both 2020), 35 (2021), 115 (2022)

Marigold, 9-10 inch, 50, 70, 75 (all 2018),
   45 (2021)

Marigold, 9-10 inch, ice cream, 160 (2014),
   75 (2017), 105 (2018)

Vaseline, 9-10 inch, ruffled, 1,350 (2020)

Vaseline, 9-10 inch, flared round, 1,400 (2007),
   1,200 (2016), 3,250 (2020)

Vaseline, 9 inch, deep round, 2,100 (2008)

Vaseline, 7 inch, pinhead, 450 (2000),
   1,400 (heat check base, 2018)

Bowls, small berry or sauce, about 6 inches

Amethyst/purple, ruffled or crimped, 160 (2014),
   70, 120 (both 2018), 80 (2020),
   185, 350, 575 (all 2022)

Amethyst, ruffled, blue iridecense, 1,200 (2019)

Amethyst, ice cream shape or round,
   125 (2007), 65 (2009), 80 (2016), 85 (2020),
   160 (2022)

Green, ruffled or crimped, 165 (2016), 25 (2017),
   50, 305 (both 2018), 45, 70, 105, 200 (all 2020),
   40 (2021), 600 (2022)

Green, blue irid., 215 (2010), 230 (2011)

Green, square, 4 inch, 475 (2007), 325 (2015)

Green, ice cream shape, 85 (2017)

Green, tricorner, 6 inch, 150 (2014)

Marigold, ruffled, 55, 175 (both 2018),
   30, 90 (both 2019), 35, 55, 255 (all 2021),
   105 (2022)

Marigold, crimped, 105 (2015), 65 (2017),
   180 (2019), 25 (2021)

Marigold, ice cream, 110 (2003), 40 (2010),
   155 (2015), 15 (2016), 95 (2021)

Olive green, flared, 150 (2004)

Vaseline, 900 (2016)

Vaseline, square whimsey, 3.500 (2018),
   950 (2020)

Bowls, tricorner

Amethyst/purple, 525, 550 (both 2016),
   1,100 (2017), 375 (pinpoint edge, 2018),
   325 (2020), 625 (2022)

Amethyst/purple, 6 1/2 inch, 200 (2020)

Green, 10 inch, 600 (2004), 500, 525 (both 2012),
   550 (2022)

Green, 7 inch, 425 (2017)

Green, 6 1/4 inch, 450 (2022)

Marigold, 10 inch, 215 (2017), 725 (2022)

Marigold, 7-8 1/2 inch, 55 (2005), 475 (2009),
   125 (2018), 350 (2021)

Vaseline, 6 1/2--7 inch, 500 (2004)

Bowls, square or diamond shape

Amethyst, 180, 225, 300 (both 2019),
   120, 190 (both 2021),
   110, 120.140, 220, 300 (all 2022)

Green, 300 (2015), 155 (2018), 275 (2021)

Green, emerald, 9 inch, 1,000 (2006)

Marigold, 9 inch, variant, 245 (2016)

Marigold, 9 inch, blue irid., 350 (2011)

Olive green, 6 inch, 325 (2004)

Vaseline, 1,600 (2003), 5,000 (2004),
   3,100 (2017)

Bowls, 10-inch oval

Amethyst, 1,700 (2009)


Amethyst, 5-inch diameter whimsey, 825 (2012)

Amethyst, 6-inch collar, sorta turns in, 165 (2015)

Strawberry Wreath compotes have a short stem and can be found in a variety of edge shapes. In addition, some seem to be early pieces which did not have stippling in one of the leaves as shown in the vaseline example on the left. These are quite desirable--the one shown brought $2,100 in 1994. Occasionally these are found cupped up into a sherbert shape and these are also very desirable. On the right is an unusual square crimped example in marigold.
Compotes, blank leaf

Amethyst known

Green, round, 2,600 (2020)

Green, tricorner, 1,450 (2012), 1,000 (2017),
   600 (2020)

Green, square, 775 (2017)

Green, rosebowl shape, 5,000 (2017)

Marigold, 2,000 (2008), 775 (2016),
   500 (2018), 550 (2019),
   750, 3,500 (both 2021)

Marigold, tricorner, 2,800 (2020)

Olive green, sherbet shape, 825 (1992)

Olive green, punch bowl shape, 900 (2016)

Olive green, round, 901,1000 (2021)

Vaseline, 2,100 (1994), 2,400 (2011),
   4,000 (2017)
Compotes, usually ruffled

Amethyst/purple, 80, 95, 100, 105, 120, 150 (all 2020), 75, 125, 190, 250, 525 (all 2021),
   90, 100, 230, 800 (all 2022)

Amethyst, etched "Souvenir Albany,"
   60 (2018), 110 (2020)

Amethyst, square, 650 (2007), 650 (2013)

Green, 85, 115 (both 2018), 180 (2019),
   120, 275 (both 2020), 180, 210 (both 2021),
   150, 160, 190 (all 2022)

Lavender, 450 (2001), 400 (2004), 200 (2017),
   675 (2021)

Marigold, 50, 70, 75, 90 (all 2020),
   50, 60, 75, 80, 180, 210 (all 2021),
   55, 75, 85, 110 (all 2022)

Marigold, crimped, 400 (2016), 500 (2018),
   175 (2022)

Marigold, flared, 425 (2017)

Marigold, square crimped, 600 (2009),
   250, 2,000 (both 2016), 270 (2021),
   525 (2022)

Vaseline, square, small base chip,
   marked Altamount NY, 2,100 (2007)

Vaseline, round, 3,000 (2021)

Vaseline, small base chip, 1,800 (2017)

Updated 10/19/2022

At the left is an unusual Strawberry Wreath bowl that has been whimsied into a gravy boat shape. It's the only one known in vaseline and owned by Carl and Eunice Booker. One in green sold in 2017 for $1,200.