Svea, Eda

A simple but dramatic design with large diamond shapes covering the whole of the exterior surfaces on most shapes. Relatively few shapes have come to light in the US but apparently the pattern was quite popular in Europe in the late 1920s and 1930s. Vases are known in two sizes: ten-inch and four-inch. The other photo shows the variety of rosebowls found in the pattern.

See Glen and Steve Thistlewood's color insert We've Got It Covered


Blue, 4 inch, 130 (2008),
   90, 340 (both 2020)

Blue, 4 inch, flared top, 35 (2020)

Marigold, 9-10 inches, 150 (2002),
   75 (2021), 80 (2022)

Pearl, 4 1/4 Iinch, 30 (2022)


Blue, 9 inch round, 60 (2020)

Blue, 6 1/2 inch flared, 10 (2000)

Purple, 8 inch, 90 (2004)

Plate, 5 1/2 inch

Blue, 210 (2000)

Rosebowl shape

Amber, 105 (2020)

Amethyst, small flake on pattern, 225 (2000)

Blue, 4 1/4--5 1/2 inch, 85, 145 (both 2000),
   150 (2018)

Blue, 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch, 105 (2019)

Blue, 6 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch, 165 (2019)

Lavender, 7-inch, 160 (2017), 475 (2020)

Marigold, 8 inch, nick on pattern, 30 (2000)

Marigold, 4-5 inch, 75 (2000), 45 (2020)

Purple, 3-4 1/2 inch. 130, 175 (both 2020)

Purple, fiant, 8-inch, 325 (2020)

Button box, 3 1/4-inch diameter

Marigold, 325 (2017)

Powder jars

Blue, 425 (2016), 500 (2020)

Marigold, 60 (2016), 170 (2020), 45 (2022)

Milk glass, perlized, 110 (2016)

Updated 11/7/2022