Waffle Block, Imperial

Carnival glass collectors are partial to representations of flowers, birds, and animals, so the modern-looking Waffle Black design suffers--even though it's a well done pattern with the theme nicely implemented over a pretty wide range of shapes. Above left are a handled basket in marigold and a square bowl in teal. The marigold punch bowl and base are especially dramatic.

Hartung Book Three: Waffle Block

Baskets, handled

Aqua/teal, 35 (2015), 20 (2019), 20, 60 (both 2021)

Blue, 205 (2014)

Clambroth, 15 (2013), 10, 15, 25 (all 2016)

Marigold, 10 (2013), 15 (2015), 10 (2016)

Pink, 65 (2007)

Purple, 55 (1997)

Sapphire blue, 55 (2007)

Smoke, 75 (2002), 250 (2004), 40, 60 (both 2013),
   20 (2022)

Vaseline, 750 (1999), 300 (2013), 155 (2015)

Vaseline, no marigold overlay, 750 (2016)


Blue, powder, square, 45 (2017)

Clambroth, 11 1/2 inch round, 10 (2002)

Teal, 7-inch square, 20 (1997)

Teal, 8-inch square, 35 (2007)

Teal, 11-inch round, 30 (2013)


Clambroth, 30 (2000)

Nut bowl

Clambroth, 30 (2016)

Punch sets

Clambroth, 6-8 pieces, 100 (2002), 125 (2014),
   80 (2020)

Marigold, 8 pieces, 100 (2010), 70 (2011),
   40, 45, 55, 100 (all 2016)

Marigold, 6-7 pieces, 155 (2013), 90 (2014),
   45 (2017)

Marigold, 5 pieces, 55 (2014)

Punch bowl and base

Clambroth, 80 (1996), 35 (2016)

Clambroth, with one cup, 130 (2018)

Marigold, 55 (2004), 60 (2011), 90 (2016)

Punch bowl top only

Aqua/teal, 60 (2013), 20 (2014), 25 (2017)

Clambroth, 10 (2013)

Marigold, 20 (2004)

Smoke, 15 (2009)

Punch cups

Clambroth, 10-15

Marigold, 6 (2007), 15 (2008)

Plate, 6 inch

Marigold, 40 (1998)

Plate, 10-11 inch square

Marigold, 35 (2009), 120 (2021)

Tumblers bring good prices, oftentimes more than realistic patterns. Sherbets, even though more rare, are not valued highly. One wouldn't expect to see the Waffle Block pattern whimsied into a spittoon, but here it is. In marigold, it's 9 1/2 inches wide and 5 inches high. In a private collection.

Clambroth, 150 (2003), 195 (2008),
   100, 115 (both 2018), 5 (2019)

Marigold, 20 (2004), 5 (2011), 30 (2012),
   50, 60 (both 2019)

Purple, 45 (2009)

Water pitchers

Clambroth, 175 (2001), 175 (2002),
   70 (2003), 105 (2004), 25 (2017)

Clambroth, with one tumbler, 45 (2012),
   225 (2013), 80 (2017), 45 (2020)

Marigold, 90 (2002), 15 (2011), 30 (2012)

Marigold, with one tumbler, 80 (2013)

Marigold, with two tumblers, 45 (2021)

The above marigold pitcher and tumbler sold at a Tom Burns auction in 2020 for $70.

Updated 1/27/2022

Cup and saucer

Marigold, 45 (2006), 40 (2007), 40 (2013),
   25 (2016)


Clambroth, 15-25

Breakfast set (small creamer and sugar)

Clambroth, 50 (1994), 40 (2000)