Wide Rib, Dugan

Similar to several other patterns having eight ribs, Dugan's Wide Rib is most easily distinguished from others by the rather bulbous tips on the top and the large, 3 3/4 inch (and larger) base. As can be seen by the photograph, these vases can be shaped in different ways and may have any twist going in either direction. Examples with a twist are sometimes mis-identified as Spiralex, a similar Diamond pattern with eight ribs.

Vases with Vertical Ribs -- Part Three

A Tale of Three Vase Patterns here.


Amethyst/purple, 70, 95 (both 2018), 25, 50 (both 2019), 30, 65, 325 (all 2020)

Amethyst/purple, spectacular irid., 450 (2000), 475 (2013)

Marigold, 30 (2015), 15 (2018)

Peach opal, typical heights, 15 (2018), 15, 20, 35 (all 2019), 35 (2021), 30 (2022)

Peach opal, 4 1/2--5 1/2 inch, 80 (2019), 15, 25 (both 2020), 20, 40 (both 2021),
   25, 40 (both 2022)

Peach opal, short, pinched in, 85 (2015), 5, 30, 35 (all 2016), 20 (2019)

White, 30 (2016), 30 (2017), 95 (2018)

Updated 9/2/2022

Here is an interesting vase. It is a cobalt blue Dugan Wide Rib, the only blue example that has been reported to date. It is 10 3/4 inches tall, with the 3 7/8-inch, slightly domed, Dugan starred marie. From the collection of Bill and Kate Lavelle.