Wreath of Roses, Fenton

Found in stemmed bonbons, compotes, and punch sets. Bonbons can be confused with Fenton's Rose Bouquet or Northwood's Basket of Roses (though Basket of Roses is not stemmed). Compotes do not have the center rose. Punch sets are found plain or with two interior patterns; Vintage and Persian Medallion, though no punch cups are known with plain interiors. Plain interior punch sets are worth slightly less than either of the patterned interiors.

Hartung Book One: Wreath of Roses


(Bonbons and compotes are basically the same, just that some folks refer to them differently)

Amethyst/purple, 50 (2014), 25 (2018),
   45 (2020), 15 (2021), 15 (2022)

Blue, 15 (2019), 25 (2020), 20 (2021)

Green, 20 (2019), 15 (2020),
   15, 25 (both 2021), 15 (2022)

Marigold, 20, 25 (both 2019), 20 (2020),
   15 (2021)

White, 250 (1997), 65 (2018)


Amethyst/purple, 15 (2017), 20 (2018),
   25 (2021)

Blue, 20, 30 (both 2013), 15 (2014),
   30 (2021)

Green, 10 (2016), 30 (2019), 10 (2020),
   10, 15 (both 2021), 10, 25 (both 2022)

Marigold, 10 (2013), 10 (2016)

Cups and saucers (saucers are 6-inch Pinecone plates)

Blue, 65 (2006)

Marigold, 45 (2006), 10 (2008)

Candy dishes, tricorner

Purple, 15 (2020)

Punch sets, 8-9 pieces, Persian Medallion interior

Amethyst/purple, 550 (2012), 235 (2015), 400 (2017),
   190 (2022)

Amethyst/purple, 10 piece, 350 (2008), 725 (2010),
   400 (2014)

Amethyst/purple, 5 piece, 300 (2018)

Blue, 210 (2016), 475 (2018), 425 (2019)

Blue, 7 piece, 375 (2019), 225 (2022)

Blue, 4 piece, 140 (2018)

Green, 475, 1,000 (both 2008), 510 (2009),
   425 (2018)

Green, 12 piece, 275 (2016)

Green, 10 piece, 1,100 (2006), 750 (2010),
   675 (2013)

Green, 7 piece, 200 (2022)

Green, 6 piece, 750 (2013), 425 (2016)

Marigold, 140 (2016), 265 (2018), 160 (2021),
   140 (2022)

Marigold, round, 425 (2009)

Marigold, 11 piece, 200 (2005)

Punch bowls and base, Persian Medallion interior or not specified

Amethyst/purple, 150 (2018), 300 (2019), 145 (2020),
   250 (2021)

Blue, 150 (2014), 250 (2017)

Green, 300 (2007), 375 (2014), 170 (2019),
   180 (2022)

Marigold, 250 (2017), 225 (2019), 120 (2021)

Punch sets, 7-9 piece, Vintage interior

Amethyst/purple, 375 (2018), 275 (2019), 270 (2020),
   225 (2021)

Amethyst/purple, 10 piece, round, 150 (2016)

Amethyst/purple, 6 piece, 185 (2018)

Blue, 750 (2010), 180 (2016), 300 (2018), 180 (2021)

Blue, 10 piece, 325 (2008)

Green, 225, 250, 500 (all 2016), 325 (2019),
   175 (2020), 250 (2021)

Green, 6 piece, 150 (2016), 1,200 (2020)

Green, 5 piece, 450, 900 (both 2005), 225 (2019)

Marigold, 145 (2015), 185 (2016), 250 (2018),
   200 (2022)

Marigold, 10 piece, 165 (2017)

Marigold, 13 piece, square ruffled, 175 (2016)

Marigold, 15 piece, base bubble, 1,200 (2020)

Punch bowl and base, Vintage interior

Amethyst/purple, 275 (2008), 225 (2012), 135 (2018)

Amethyst/purple, flared out, 475 (2017)

Amethyst/purple, square shape, 800 (2017),
   250, 300 (both 2021)

Amethystpurple, with one cup, 775 (2012)

Blue, 385 (2011), 360 (2016), 120 (2021)

Green, 425 (2000), 300 (2001), 300 (2014),
   300 (2019), 275 (2022)

Green, square top, 400 (2017), 290 (2021)

Green, ruffled top, 700 (2004)

Green, chip on collar base, 180 (2022)

Marigold, 425 (2006), 270 (2007),
   100, 175 (both 2019), 80 (2021)

Punch bowl and base, Persian Medallion interior

Blue, 150 (2021)

Purple, 300 (2022)

Punch base only

Blue, 50 (2021)

Green, 45 (2018), 60 (2019)

Marigold, 30 (2021)

Punch top only, Vintage interior

Marigold, 85 (2017), 80 (2018)

Punch set, 8 piece, plain interior or not specified

Amethyst/purple, Vintage cups, 1,000 (2007)

Amethyst/purple, 11-piece, chip point of bowl, 130 (2020)

Amethyst/purple, Vintage cups, 5 piece, 575 (2021)

Blue, 11-piece, 7 cups Vintage, 500 (2019)

Green, 5, 6-piece, 350 (2017), 1,200 (2020)

Marigold, 375 (2003)

Marigold, 7 cups, 80 (2022)

Marigold, 5 cups, 180 (2021)

Punch bowl and base, plain interior

Amethyst/purple, 525 (2006)

Blue, 425 (2017), 25 (2017)

Green, 700 (2004), 175 (2019)

Marigold, 245 (2010), 75 (2014)

Punch cups, Persian Medallion interior

Amethyst/purple, 20-30

Blue, 20 (2004)

Blue, set of 3, 115 (2020), 20 (2021)

Green, 10 (2005), 10 (2017)

Marigold, 18 (2000), 3 (2019)

Punch cups, Vintage interior

Amethyst/purple, 30 (2007), 13 (2013)

Blue, 25 (2001), 12 (2002)

Green, 25 (2004), 20 (2005), 15 (2016)

Marigold, 5 (2016)

Updated 9/2/2022