Imperial Grape Bowls and Plates, Imperial

This was Imperial's equivalent to Northwood's Grape and Cable and the line includes most of the common shapes found in Carnival. There is one large gouping of grapes and leaves in the center of plates and bowls. The 9-inch low ruffled bowl is in electric blue and sold for $2,200 in 1994 and again in 1997 for $5,000. In 2017 it sold at the Karen Engel auction for $8,000. Blue is a rare color for Imperial. On the right is a small plate in purple. Small plates measure about 6 inches across. Imperial (and it's successor companies), reproduced many items beginning in the 1960s.

Hartung Book One: Imperial's Grape

Article about Imperial Grape shapes

Berry sets

Green, 7 piece, 35 (2006), 30, 35 (both 2014)

Green, 8 piece, 2 masters, 25 (2016)

Helios, 5 piece, 70 (2003)

Marigold, 6 piece, 10 (2006)

Marigold, 5 piece, 55 (1998)

Purple, 7 piece, ruffled or round, 130 (2020),
   100 (2021)

Purple, 5-6 piece, 90 (2014), 25 (2022)

Bowls, large, 10-11 inches

Amber, 20 (2018), 25 (2020)

Aqua, 75 (2002)

Blue, 290, 425 (both 2016), 145, 350, 1,050 (2019)

Blue, powder, 80 (2017), 30 (2020)

Green, 30 (2009), 15 (2017)

Marigold, 10-15

Purple, 35, 50, 60, 160 (all 2021), 40 (2022)

Purp;e, ruffled, listed as salad bowl, 300 (2021)

Smoke, 30 (2016), 15 (2017)

Bowls, 8-9 Inches

Amber, 40 (2019), 35 (2021)

Aqua, 10 (2015)

Blue, electric, low ruffled, 2,200 (1994),
   5,000 (1997)

Clambroth, 35 (2020), 35 (2021)

Green, 10-20

Helios, 15 (2014)

Lavender, 35 (2018), 35, 40 (both 2020)

Lime green, ice cream, 55 (2009)

Marigold, 10, 15 (both 2021), 15 (2022)

Marigold, leaf molded in base,
   130, 300 (both 2017), 20 (2019)

Marigold, deep round, straight sides, 70 (2016)

Marigold, opal, 175 (2015), 125 (2019)

Marigold on moonstone, 160 (2010), 200 (2015)

Olive green, 85 (2009), 10 (2015)

Peach opal, 300 (2014), 160 (2018)

Pink, 5 (2019)

Purple, 70, 260 (all 2021), 60, 85, 100 (all 2022)

Purple, deep round, 300 (2021)

Purple, blue iridescense, 140 (2016),
   30, 40, 50, 85 (all 2020)

Purple, 8-inch ICS, 500 (2016)

Smoke, 15 (2019), 35, 65 (both 2021)

Smoke, low ruffled, 20 (2016), 40 (2017)

Teal, 275 (2002)

Bowls, small, 7 inch

Blue, 700 (2015), 1,200 (2016)

Green, 13 (2005), 10 (2011)

Marigold, 15-25

Purple, 25 (2019), 20 (2020)

Bowls, small berry or sauce, 5-6 inch

Amber, 25 (2009), 15, 35 (both 2015)

Blue, 250 (2015)

Green, 15 (2009), 23 (2010)

Helios, 3 (2017)

Lavender, 18 (2002)

Marigold, 10-15

Purple, 10, 15, 20 (both 2021),
   15, 20 (both 2022)

Purple, electric, 75 (2012), 225 (2013)

Smoke, 5 (2016), 10 (2017)

Teal, 60 (1999)

Violet, 350 (2006), 750 (2017)

Plates, small, 6 inch

Amber, 170 (2021), 20 (2022)

Amethyst, 80 (2022)

Aqua/teal, 160 (2016), 140 (2020)

Blue, 1,800, 3,000 (both 2017), 2,500 (2022)

Green, 50 (2017), 10 (2022)

Helios, 25-40

Lavender, 130 (2005), 100 (2007)

Lime green, 55 (2012), 10 (2017)

Marigold, 7.50 (2019), 10 (2021)

Olive, 25 (2010), 25 (2019)

Purple, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 40, 45 (all 2021),
   20, 30, 85, 140, 425 (all 2022)

Purple, outstanding, 1,350 (2008)

Teal, 30 (2019)

Vaseline, 130 (2004)

Violet, 75 (2016)

Plates, 8-9 inch

Amber, 35, 60, 115 (all 2020), 625 (2021)

Amethyst, 850 (2022)

Aqua, 400 (1997)

Clambroth, 25 (2004), 10 (2018)

Green, 25 (2019), 40 (2021)

Helios green, 75 (2015), 10 (2016)

Lavender, 100 (2004), 300 (2007)

Marigold, 10, 20, 35 (all 2021), 5, 10 (both 2022)

Marigold, opal streaks in base, 350 (1999)

Marigold, low ruffled, 40 (2020)

Olive, 225 (2012)

Purple, 15, 40, 45, 70, 1,000 (all 2021),
   375, 550 (both 2022)

Smoke, 135 (1999), 75, 280 (both 2004)

Vaseline/lime, 110 (1998)

Chop Plates
There are no chop plates in the Imperial Grape pattern. Auctioneers sometimes confuse the above Imperial Heavy Grape chop plates, with the quilted effect around the center, as this pattern.

Punch sets, carafes, baskets, tidbit trays
Water and wine sets, goblets
Compotes, rosebowls, cups & saucers, shades
Spittoon whimsies

Here are a couple of Imperial Grape items you don't see every day. On the left is a ruffled bowl in peach opal. Imperial made so little peach opal, one wonders if this was intentional. On the right is the nut bowl shape in Helios.
Nut bowls (above)

Marigold, 35 (2018), 10 (2021)

Helios, 33 (eBay 2012)

Purple, 115 (2005), 300 (2006)

Updated 12/9/2022

Here is a rosebowl in the pattern. It sold at a Tom Burns Auction in 2022 for $800. The color is Red/Amberina and signed with the Iron Cross and is 3 inches high and 6 inches across.