Imperial Grape Punch Sets, Carafes, and Baskets, Imperial

With punch sets, the bowl and base are counted as separate parts of the set--thus an 8-piece set (the usual configuration) will have six cups. The carafe is much like the wine decanter but never has a stopper and has a flared mouth. These were originally offered as vases and are about 8 inches tall. The baskets are about 10 inches tall.

Hartung Book Nine: Imperial Grape Basket

Punch sets, 8 piece unless otherwise specified

Amber, 700 (2014)

Amber, 10 pieces, 290 (2018))

Green, 275 (1998), 250 (2001), 205 (2009)

Green, 10 pieces, 150 (2015)

Green, 12 pieces, 120 (2016)

Helios, 9 pieces, 450 (1999), 50 (2016)

Marigold, 115 (2008), 65, 95 (both 2014)

Marigold, 10 pieces, 75, 120 (both 2015),
   60 (2016)

Marigold, 11-12 pieces, 140 (2011), 35 (2018)

Marigold, 13 pieces, 140 (2013)

Purple, 500 (2019), 400 (2020)

Purple, 5 pieces, blue irid., 1,450 (2011)

Purple, 6 pieces, 800 (2016), 200 (2022)

Purple, 7 pieces, 575 (2021)

Purple, 9 pieces, 1,000 (2016), 300 (2018)

Purple, 10 pieces, 900 (2009),
   425, 800 (both 2018)

Purple, 12 pieces, 300 (2022)

Punch bowl and base

Amber, 650 (2015), 250 (2016)

Green, with 2 cups, 95 (2015)

Green, base chip, 105 (2007)

Marigold, 25 (2018), 40, 340 (both 2020)

Purple, 500 (2019), 390 (2021)

Punch bowl top only

Green, 10 (2018)

Punch base only

Amber, 35 (2020)

Helios, 50 (2013)

Marigold, 15-25

Red?, 35 (2020)

Purple, 1,050 (2017)

Punch cups

Amber, 75 (2015)

Green, 3, 10 (both 2010), 5 (2013)

Helios, 13 (1999)

Marigold, 3 (2007), 2 (2012)

Purple, 35 (2004), 10, 15 (both 2021)

Water carafes (have no stopper)

Amber, 2,400 (2018), 2,100 (2019)

Green, 40, 65 (both 2020), 25, 200 (both 2021)

Green, spectacular, 1,900 (2012), 1,050 (2018)

Green, emerald, 125 (2020), 475, 1,000 (both 2022)

Helios, 95, 290 (both 2004), 40 (2017)

Lavender, 80 (2015), 30, 45 (both 2019)

Marigold, 50, 75, 110, (all 2021), 5, 40 (both 2022)

Purple, 25, 30, 50, 70, 80, 85, 100, 110 (all 2021),
   10. 30, 40, 45, 50, 75, 170 (all 2022)

Smoke, 130 (2020), 375 (2022)

Violet, 225 (2001)

Baskets, handled

Clambroth, 30 (2011), 15 (2016)

Marigold, 15, 50 (both 2021), 25, 30 (both 2022)

Smoke, 10, 20 (both 2020), 10 (2021)

Tidbit or sandwich tray

These trays with the center handles are sometimes listed as Imperial's Vintage. Found in marigold and smoke, either color sells for $10 to $15.

Bowls and plates
Compotes, rosebowls, cups & saucers, shades
Water and wine sets, goblets
Spittoon whimsies

Updated 12/9/2022