Comments by Alan and Lorraine Pickup
Wine sets, 7-9 piece (with stopper, 6-8 wines)
Green, 85 (2021), 35, 55 (both 2022)
Green, 6 piece, 45 (2021)
Helios, 70-120
Marigold, 30, 35, 40, 45 (all 2021), 20, 45, 110 (all 2022)
Purple, 90, 100, 125, 160 (all 2021), 95, 100, 120, 130, 275 (all 2022)
Purple, 5-6 pieces, 130 (2019), 110 (2021)
Purple, 4 pieces, 180, 2020)
Smoke, 400 (2007), 120 (2016)
Smoke, 5 pieces, 225 (2003), 150 (2011)
Decanter, with stopper (unless specified otherwise)
Amber, no stopper, 275 (2013), 75 (2019)
Aqua, stopper polished, 40 (2018)
Green, 20 (2016), 10 (2020)
Green, emerald, 550 (2013), 2,700 (2020)
Green, bulbous whimsied top, 65 (2005)
Marigold, 30 (2020), 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 (all 2021)
Marigold, no stopper, 10-20
Purple, 55, 60, 175 (all 2021), 110, 130 (both 2022)
Purple, with one wine, 75 (2019), 100, 125 (both 2021)
Purple, with two wines, 75, 100 (both 2021)
Purple, no stopper, 25-50
Smoke, 65, 120 (2020), 125, 145, 300 (all 2021)
Smoke, with one wine, 110 (2019)
Wine glasses (4 inches tall)
Blue, 105 (2009), 150 (2022)
Green, 18 (2012), 35 (2015)
Green, emerald, 135 (2008)
Helios, 5 (2001), 15 (2002)
Lavender, 25 (1996), 10 (2021)
Lime, 135 (2002), 15 (2007), 5 (2011)
Marigold, 3 (2013), 10 (2015)
Olive, 3, 55 (both 2011)
Purple, 45 (2020), 15 (2021)
Smoke, 50 (2009), 15, 28 (both 2012)
Vaseline, 30, 135 (both 2002)
Wine bottle stoppers only
Green, 55 (2020)
Purple, 110 (2020)
This water pitcher in emerald green sold for $1.400 in 2022.
Water sets are usually found with six tumblers--though the one here had only four. These were reproduced by Imperial and others. Above are a water goblet and a wine glass. The goblets are 5 1/4 inches tall with a 3-inch base. The wine glass is 4 inches tall; some have a starred base, others are plain. Wine sets consist of a decanter and from 4 to 8 glasses--it's usually 6. Stoppers are often missing on the decanter, which lowers the value considerably.
Water sets, 7 pieces
Amber, 110 (2021)
Amber, impressive, 2,000 (2014)
Aqua, 525 (2018), 170 (crack in pitcher, 2021)
Green, 45 (2014), 40 (2018)
Helios, 155 (1998), 150 (2004)
Marigold, 50 (2019), 30 (2021)
Marigold, 5 pieces, 30 (2021)
Marigold, 4 pieces, 65 (2021)
Purple, 275 300 (both 2021), 155, 200 (both 2022)
Purple, 5 piece, 240 (both 2021), 80, 275 (both 2022)
Smoke, 95 (2020), 300 (2021)
Smoke, 5 pieces, 200 (2021)
Teal, 5 pieces, 500 (2008)
Water pitchers
Amber, 200 (2018), 60 (2020)
Aqua/teal, 325, 375 (both 2017), 1,700 (2022)
Blue violet, 190 (2019)
Green, 10 (2019), 70 (2021)
Green, with 1 tumbler, 40 (2022)
Green, emerald, 525 (2020), 1.400 (2022)
Helios green, pitcher, two tumblers, 30 (2021)
Marigold, 25 (2021), 85 (2022)
Marigold, with 4 tumblers, 50 (2022)
Marigold, pastel, 275 (2013), 2,100 (2019)
Purple, 155, 180, 200, 850 (all 2021), 60, 150, 180, 225, 325, 500 (all 2022)
Purple, with 2 tumblers, 160 (2022)
Purple, blue iridescence, 550 (1998)
Smoke, 125 (2017), 40 (2022)
Vaseline, 350 (2014)
Violet, 200 (1999)
Tumblers (some with ribbed interior)
Amber, 25 (2018), 30 (2022)
Aqua/teal, 35 (2012), 2.50 (2019)
Clambroth, 80 (2015)
Green, 2.50, 5 (both 2019), 40 (2021)
Green, emerald, 450 (2016), 250 (2020)
Helios, 15 (2011), 8 (2014)
Lavender, 15 (2014), 20, 60 (both 2016)
Lime green, 30 (2006)
Marigold, 10 (2020), 5 (2021)
Olive, 15 (2001)
Purple, 20, 25 (both 2021), 10, 30, 40 (all 2022)
Smoke, 45 (2020), 5, 10 (both 2021)
Vaseline, 25 (2017)
Water goblets
Amber, 33 (2002), 30 (2015)
Green, 15 (2007), 8 (2009)
Helios, 45 (1999), 5 (2015)
Marigold, 15 (2015), 3 (2017)
Marigold, set of 3, 10 (2022)
Purple, 50 (2020), 25 (2021)
Smoke, 40 (2013), 25 (2018)
Green, 300 (2010), 25 (2014)
Helios, 5 (2014)
Marigold, 30 (2014)
Bowls and plates
Compotes, rosebowls, cups & saucers, shades
Punch sets, carafes, baskets, tidbit trays
Spittoon whimsies
Updated 12/9/2022